
  • Nioh 2 offers 11 different weapons to choose from, each with its own strengths and weaknesses, providing a wide range of playstyles and replayability.
  • The Spear is a great weapon for crowd control and keeping enemies at a distance, but it lacks in Ki damage compared to other weapons.
  • The Dual Swords are versatile and perfect for an aggressive, yet defensive playstyle, with quick movements and multiple parries for beginners and experts alike.

Nioh 2 is an exciting action RPG set in Japan’s Sengoku Period, an era rife with civil war, with a fantastical twist. Create a character and embark on an epic journey across a land filled with many fantasy and human enemies alike with a large arsenal of weapons to choose from.

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Figuring out the best weapon to choose from is a difficult task. Nioh 2 boasts 11 (not 10!) different weapon types that the player can choose from. This allows for a plethora of play styles, with plenty of replayability to boot. Each of these weapons boasts many excellent traits, coupled with their own flaws. But which one of these starting weapons is the best?

11 Spear

The character prepares themselves to attack with the Spear.

Never before has a weapon been implemented to cause so much damage while also conforming to social distancing rules than the Spear. With its extensive range and crowd control abilities such as ‘Body Swap’ used to knock down enemies, the spear is excellent against human enemies in many scenarios.

However, with this in mind, the Spear's primary goal is to keep the enemy at (pole) arms reach from the player with great DPS. This, in turn, creates less spectacular Ki damage than other weapon types in Nioh 2. It does not negate the spectacular combos and abilities of the Spear, but it does put a question mark on the overall lethality of the weapon.

10 Switchglaive

A character swings her Switchglaive at multiple enemies.

The term “jack of all trades, master of none” has never been more fitting than with the Switchglaive. It is an impressive weapon that can convert into many others. This allows for devastating and unique approaches to combat from various angles. Unfortunately, the Switchglaive isn't better than what it’s mimicking.

The Switchglaive can turn the tide of a tough fight. ‘Art of Chaos’ allows the Switchglaive to be thrown to keep some distance between the enemy and the player. ‘Divine Retribution’ is excellent for getting behind an enemy, leaping overhead for a quick slash. Overall, it is an interesting weapon that is hard to master.

9 Dual Swords

Dual Swords

All-purpose and quick as a fox, Dual Swords are THE weapon for that aggressive, yet defensive playstyle. Have a need to get in, unleash mayhem, and leave without a scratch? The dual swords' versatility is the answer. Speed, precision and adept movement are the Dual Swords go-to in any combat situation.

With abilities such as Windstorm, God of Wind, and Water Sword, the Dual Swords will make quick work of all who step up. Having multiple parries that counter a vast range of enemies, the Dual Swords are a strong, safe weapon for both experts and inexperienced players alike.

8 Fists

A character uses claw fists to take down an enemy.

With incredibly short range and hard-to-manage Ki, what do the fists bring to the table? Rocky Balbao, Naruto running, and Wolverine. These are the role-plays players can do when using the fists. Using ‘Unbroken’ allows for the changing of different skills to gain a large attack boost. ‘Beyond Infinity’ would knock even Rocky himself down with its incredible power and, if timed right through button presses, unnatural speed.

If that isn’t enough, using ‘Tiger Claws’ with claws equipped slashes opponents to ribbons. Firsts are very fun, yet challenging weapons to master.

7 Kusarigama

A character swings a Kusarigama towards an undead foe.

Chaos may be a ladder in Game of Thrones, but in Nioh 2 it’s the Kusarigama. Never has crowd control been easier than through the technical abilities of the Kusarigama. The excellent range of the Kusarigama is perfect for players looking to keep their distance during tough enemy/boss encounters.

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The speed at which players can defeat foes with the Kusarigama is elevated with abilities such as ‘reaper’, which turns enemies to mush with its lethality. Kusarigama is an excellent weapon worthy of any playthrough.

6 Axe

A character swings a mighty axe towards their foes.

Big, deadly, and a go-to for speedrunners. The Axe packs a punch and makes quick work of all enemy types. With abilities like ‘lumber chop’, which sends the enemy flying in spectacular fashion, or ‘mad spinner’, where the Axe becomes a personal fidget spinner, eviscerating all that are caught in its range, they more than make up for the Axe's slower speed compared to other weapons.

Despite the lack of speed compared to others, the Axe is a weapon not to be looked down upon and one that many will find great use with.

5 Splitstaff

Character swings a splitstaff towards an enemy.

Release the inner monk with a weapon that accompanies the Switchglaive in the ‘good weapon, hard to master’ category. The Splitstaffs biggest plus is its fluid form. The ability to create unique combos on the fly. Whether that be extending the weapons range, increasing the speed of attacks, or upping the number of hits an attack does, fluid form is perfect for players looking for that high-reward gameplay.

Couple this with the Splitstaffs high Ki damage and a weapon like no other is at the player's disposal for quick, fluid combat.

4 Sword

A character prepares a defense with the Sword.

Simple, elegant, and versatile, the Sword is an excellent weapon for all enemy encounters. Initiate combat quickly with ‘Iai Quickdraw’ to stagger an opponent and unleash hell with ‘Severing Spin’ to complete the Samurai Anime arc all players have wanted since starting a playthrough of Nioh 2.

With some clever button inputs, and a little patience, the player can create a remarkably fast running dodge to get in and out of combat unscathed with either low or mid-stance. Using these avenues of attack will create a very satisfying experience.

3 Tonfa

Character with a Tonfa prepares themselves.

If engaging and acrobatic fights are the desired outcome in Nioh 2 then the Tonfa is the go-to weapon of choice to obtain this. The Tonfa is perfect for pressuring opponents instead of causing massive amounts of damage, for that fast-paced, close encounter.

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An atypical weapon, the Tonfa has abilities tailored towards clever, chess-like maneuvers in combat. ‘Kannagi’ is the best of these, allowing the player to cancel techniques for a quick dodge or to create a combo with another ability. The Tonfa is the perfect turning defense into an offense weapon in Nioh 2.

2 Odachi

Character swings an Odachi

While some players call the Odachi a slower sword, more experienced players know its true worth is more than that. Boasting very good guard-breaking abilities and with the excellent stance switching that perfect for combos, the Odachi is a hard, yet incredibly satisfying, weapon to master.

While its standard attacks are slow, Odachi abilities can create a barrage of attacks to lay down upon enemies. ‘Moonlit Snow’ (and redux) is incredibly fast and can put out excellent damage, while ‘Bolting Boar’ allows for the parrying of most humans and Yokai alike.

1 Hatchet

A character throws their hatchet towards an enemy.

Never before has a weapon created such a unique playstyle in Nioh 2. The Hatchet is an incredible weapon with many positives to its fighting style that alleviates its shorter range than most other weapons in Nioh 2.

The ability to throw the Hatchet, the verticality of these throws, and the speed of the weapon itself, as well as the ability to perform quick retreats, means the Hatchet is the perfect weapon for a hit-and-run playstyle. The Hatchet has truly earned its spot on this list.

Nioh 2 is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Microsoft Windows.

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