When one talks about the best samurai Soulslike game, it goes without saying that most people would mention the name Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. The fact of the matter is that From Software's foray into this particular genre was nothing short of a resounding success, with Sekiro being labelled by many as another excellent title that has been added to From Software's impressive library of modern games.

However, in this discussion, there's another game that should definitely get the recognition it deserves as well — Nioh 2. The fact of the matter is that Nioh 2 is one of the best Soulslikes around, even though the release of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice might've cast a shadow over this vastly unappreciated game.

RELATED: 10 Pro Tips For Nioh 2 You Should Know

That being said, there are a number of Soulslikes that one might consider to be superior to Nioh 2 as well. Keeping this in mind, here are five reasons why Nioh 2 is a great Soulslike, along with five other games that perhaps do greater justice by the Soulslike moniker.

10 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Environments Are Truly Brilliant

One thing that should be definitely lauded about Nioh 2 is its brilliant environmental design, making every area a blast to explore.

The impressive graphics of this game certainly show in their levels, with the particle effects of the combat making every encounter scenic in some way or the other.

9 BETTER TITLE: Salt & Sanctuary

Fighting A Monster in Salt And Sanctuary

There are a ton of side-scrolling games that have emulated the Dark Souls formula, and they've done so with varying degrees of effectiveness. However, Salt & Sanctuary is a title that manages to nail all its gameplay elements to a T, making for a truly sublime experience.

It is easily one of the most underrated Soulslikes around, and an absolute must-play for anyone who wants to enjoy a wholly unique experience that is still quite reminiscent of the Soulsborne titles.

8 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Boss Fights Are The Stuff Of Legends

owl boss

Nioh 2 has some of the most spectacular and intimidating boss fights around, with each encounter being nothing short of an awe-inspiring experience... that is, until the player is slammed to kingdom come by these bosses.

The challenge in the game truly ramps up a notch in these situations, and players need to be on their A-game if they wish to progress past these significant hurdles.

7 BETTER TITLE: Remnant: From The Ashes

Remnant From The Ashes Tips Featured

The idea of a Soulslike third-person shooter sounds like nothing more than a gimmick, but Gunfire Games managed to use an idea that sounded okay on paper and turned it into a must-play experience for anyone who wishes to enjoy challenging gameplay.

Remnant: From The Ashes is easily one of the best Soulslikes, and any player who wants to experience how a tough third-person shooter would play like should definitely try this game out.

RELATED: 10 Pro Tips For Remnant: From The Ashes You Should Know

Whether co-op or solo, there's no denying that Remnant: From The Ashes will prove to be a rather memorable experience.

6 BEST SOULSLIKE: Managing The Ki Pulse Makes Combat All The More Engaging

One of the more unique mechanics that the Nioh series brings to the table is the Ki Pulse, which allows players to instantly gain their ki — Nioh's version of stamina — and quickly unleash a flurry of attacks.

This new mechanic adds a ton of depth and complexity to Nioh's combat, almost turning fights into a rhythm game of sorts as players press keys in a fixed pattern to maximize their damage.

5 BETTER TITLE: The Surge 2

The story of The Surge 2 is similar to that of Nioh 2 — the first game was a decent enough title in its own right, but it's the sequel that improves upon everything to a vast extent and makes for a highly enjoyable experience.

The Surge 2 is easily one of the best sci-fi Soulslikes out there, and players who need something to scratch that Soulsborne itch should definitely try this game out.

4 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Loot System Is Actually Quite Addictive

The idea of randomly-generated loot might not sit well with some fans, but the fact of the matter is that Nioh 2 pulls off this system beautifully, allowing for an experience that is certainly quite entertaining in every sense of the word.

Getting rare loot is always a cathartic experience in Nioh 2 and almost makes the massive number of deaths that the player has to deal with worth it... somewhat.

3 BETTER TITLE: Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight is possible one of the greatest games ever made, which by itself makes it a must-play for anyone who wishes to enjoy the very best-in-class when it comes to Metroidvania Soulslikes.

For a game that seems bleak from the outset, Hollow Knight positively oozes with charm at every step of the way and is definitely one game that everyone even remotely invested in the Soulsborne genre should check out.

2 BEST SOULSLIKE: The Depth Of Nioh 2's Systems Are A Marvel To Behold

All of the deep and complex systems presented in Nioh 2 combine to offer up a unique gaming experience, that no other game can even replicate.

RELATED: Nioh 2: 10 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do In The Game

From the yokai transformations to combat maneuvers like Burst Counters, there's no end to the sheer number of amazing things that the player can pull off in Nioh 2 to make the combat as engaging as it can get.

1 BETTER TITLE: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

While it might be an easy move to add a From Software game to this list, there's no denying the sheer quality of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Any person who wants to fill the void left behind by either Dark Souls or Bloodborne would find it pretty much a necessity to play their latest offering which — no surprises here — is easily one of the greatest games ever made.

There's a reason why Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has — no pun intended — overshadowed Nioh 2 in every way, shape, and form — it's really just that good!

NEXT: 10 Games To Play While You're Waiting For Nioh 2