The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles launch today, making Microsoft the company with the first globally available next-generation console on the market. The Head of Xbox Gaming, Phil Spencer and the rest of the Xbox team have been hard at work ensuring the most successful launch as possible considering all the outside complications factoring in.

Now, the day of the Xbox Series X and S’s launch is finally here and fans can’t wait to get their hands on Microsoft’s next-generation console. Even Nintendo of America President Doug Bowser took the time to send a congratulatory tweet to Xbox and Phil Spencer on the Xbox Series X and S’s launch day.

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It’s always an exciting time whenever the next-generation of consoles launch. Despite the chaos surrounding next-gen console preorders the atmosphere surrounding both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X is filled with energy and hype. The next-generation of consoles on the market essentially marks a completely new era of console gaming, where players eventually see games that couldn’t have possibly come out on previous hardware. However, while Sony and Xbox maintain their competition with one another during this next-gen launch period, Nintendo still remains happily on the sidelines.

In a show of goodwill, President of Nintendo of America, Doug Bowser, sent out a congratulatory message via Twitter to Xbox and Phil Spencer on the Series X and S launch day. The message was a simple one, basically saying congratulations to Xbox smoothly and successfully making it to launch day. Still, it’s always nice to see the leaders of such huge companies coming together to celebrate when one of them accomplishes something great. Though Nintendo isn’t necessarily in the heat of the console wars today, they can still very well be considered competition for Sony and Microsoft.

It’s definitely an interesting next-gen console launch this time around, seeing as Nintendo is somewhere in the gray area of current-gen and next-gen with the Switch. It’s nowhere near as powerful as the PS5 or Xbox Series X, yet the Switch boasts incredibly impressive sales despite its lack of technical power. However, what the Switch lacks in power, it more than makes up for in other critical areas like exclusive titles and flexibility. Despite being essentially onlookers to the ongoing competition between Sony and Microsoft, Nintendo certainly still feels some sense of competition.

In fact, some analysts predict the Switch will outsell PS5 and Xbox Series X this holiday season, despite it’s lack of technical power. Whether that comes to fruition remains to be seen, but it’s certainly a possibility. Regardless, for now it’s just nice to see Nintendo and Xbox playing nice with one another. Besides, a successful console launch isn’t just a victory for a single company, but a victory for the entire video game industry.

The Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are available now.

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