Nintendo Wii U DS Virtual Console Games

There's been no shortage of Nintendo-based headlines lately, and that's largely thanks to the recent third quarter financial results briefing that the company just had. During the briefing, the Big N elaborated on its new strategy for the current hardware dilemma it faces with the Wii U, attempting to ensure shareholders in the process, but a heap of noteworthy info emerged as a result. Word on Mario Kart 8's launch this May and even plans to discount software for loyal Nintendo fans were touched upon, but the Japanese gaming giant didn't stop there.

One of the most significant announcements to spawn from the event is that the house of Mario will be releasing Nintendo DS software on the Wii U. Following suite with a number of NES and SNES games that are currently available on the system, Ninty announced that it's confident in its ability to port DS titles to the Wii U and will be doing so via the platform's Virtual Console service.

"We are now sure that we can solve the technical problem of displaying Virtual Console software from Nintendo DS on the GamePad. The dual-screen Nintendo DS, one of which is a touch screen, has a very strong software lineup, and so we plan to add the Virtual Console titles from Nintendo DS software to the future Virtual Console lineup for Wii U."

Specifics regarding which DS titles will be coming to the Wii U in the future weren't elaborated upon, nor was pricing or a time frame in which gamers could expect the content, but the slide featured in the presentation did tease Brain Age — so that's something. Of course, it's not hard to compile an expansive list of games that fans would love to see arrive on the home console, but it's a little more challenging to tell which software the Big N will choose to be ported to the platform.

Whether or not DS games could be made available on the 3DS eShop wasn't addressed, but given that the system is already backwards compatible it's not much of a stretch to imagine they will. More details are sure to land at some point later this year, so stay tuned to Game ZXC for more details.

Would you purchase any DS games for your Wii U? Should Nintendo be focussing on porting older games from its handheld library to the Wii U?


You can follow Riley on Twitter @TheRileyLittle.

Source: Nintendo