Following a recent report that Nintendo would be gearing up to release its latest Direct in the near future, there’s been a lot of speculation about what the company might talk about. While Animal Crossing is likely to make an appearance seen as the game will be releasing in just a few months, besides that, there’s still a lot we don’t know about the company’s plans going forward in 2020 and this upcoming Direct would be the perfect time for Nintendo to shed some light on its future. If a new report is to be believed, however, we might have just learned what the future holds for the Switch and it’s a lot more familiar than some fans might’ve hoped.

A report coming in from a ResetEra member named Emily supposedly claims that Nintendo is looking to release two more unannounced Wii U ports in the coming year. She follows up her claim by stating that the two games aren’t difficult to guess because “there aren't many Wii U games left to port.”

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Supposing Emily’s report is true, there’s only a handful of Wii U games left that could make their way to the Switch. Users on ResetEra have unanimously cited Super Mario 3D World and Pikmin 3 as the most likely candidates for the two slots, with many sounding frustrated about the idea of Nintendo focusing on re-releasing older games instead of developing new titles. As Emily points out in her original post, Nintendo has already confirmed a “Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE and Xenoblade Chronicles 1 remaster/remake for this year,” highlighting that the company might be padding its lineup to account for fewer exclusives in 2020.

pikmin 3 (1)

Not all of the commenters in the thread held negative opinions towards Nintendo’s supposed focus on Wii U titles, however. One user claimed “Wii U ports are great because they allow Nintendo to fill out their schedule fairly easily. Besides, more people need to play these games. I'm all for it”, while another claims “As long as they still release new quality games this year, I think most reasonable people will be okay with that.”

While their plans are still largely unknown, hopefully, Nintendo’s rumored Direct will give fans a better perspective of where Nintendo’s supposed batch of Wii U ports will fit into the company’s plans for the year. As the commenters say, the Wii U has some superb titles, and if used to bridge the gap between big release dates, Nintendo could expand the audience for some of the now-dead console’s best games.

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Source: ResetEra