Nintendo announces a Treehouse Live event for next Friday, January 13, where the Big N will provide fans with a more in-depth look at the Switch's launch lineup.

In less than one week, Nintendo will finally reveal the full details for its next console, the Nintendo Switch, via an event in Japan that starts at 11 p.m. EST on January 12. Fans are looking forward to getting information about the Switch's release date and price point, as well as a more detailed look at the system's launch lineup. Now, on Thursday, Nintendo confirmed a second news event for the morning of January 13 that will provide even greater insight into the Switch's roster of games.

Nintendo announced today via Twitter that it will air a special edition of Treehouse Live at 9:30 a.m. EST next Friday. Nintendo promises "an in-depth look at upcoming games" featured in the January 12 presentation. The video event will be streamed live on YouTube and Twitch, according to Gamespot.


Nintendo has traditionally used the Treehouse to show off extended hands-on demos of various upcoming games. The most notable case of this was during E3 2016 when Nintendo dedicated almost its entire presentation to showing off The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That title is now rumored to release in March with the console, but it's likely that Nintendo will dedicate this  Treehouse Live presentation to showing off a variety of other games since most hardcore fans have already seen a lot of Zelda.

While we have our own ideas here at Game ZXC for Switch games we'd like to see revealed, the possibilities really are endless at this point. At the very least, fans who watched the Switch's initial reveal announcement in October know that Nintendo will likely have a new 3D Mario and possible ports or updates for Splatoon and Mario Kart 8 ready for public viewing. Given that this is an official Nintendo event, it's likely that a good deal of time will be spent showing off first-party titles, but the live stream may also provide the Big N with an opportunity to show that it's serious about maintaining third-party support this time around.

It's true that The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim made an appearance in the October trailer but there are also rumors that some current generation games will not be portable to the Switch, including Red Dead Redemption 2 and Mass Effect: Andromeda. If Nintendo can pull off a big surprise like revealing an Eternal Darkness reboot or sequel or the long-awaited arrival of Beyond Good and Evil 2, that could go a long way towards demonstrating that the Switch will be a home for more than just Mario and friends.

The Nintendo Switch Treehouse Live event airs 9:30 a.m. EST on January 13 on Twitch and YouTube.