Last month, Nintendo revealed a new tier for its online services, the Nintendo Switch OnlineExpansion Pack. Upgraded subscribers gain access to a select number of classic Nintendo 64 and SEGA Genesis titles. These games come with additional functions, such as online multiplayer and save states. However, Nintendo fans have expressed their frustrations with the model, with its pricing. Despite this, some fans are enjoying this novel way of playing some classic games.

This includes Nintendo providing fans a way to play these classic N64 games with an official retro-styled N64 Switch compatible controller. It features the same look as the original, while providing a few features to update its design and include modern conveniences. This includes wireless connectivity and a rumble function. Players can use this to play a number of these games the same way they did back in the 90s. One fan who was able to discover a fun Easter Egg when using this specific controller along with the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack.

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This was discovered by Gino of The Hub World YouTube channel, where they just received the N64 Switch Controller in the mail, and decided to test it out by using it on the Nintendo Switch Online N64 application. Upon moving around the menu in the application, they noticed that the normal sounds that would be made when scrolling through the menu are replaced with the cries of the baby penguin from Super Mario 64.

For those unaware, Nintendo also released NES and SNES Switch controllers that could be used with the online service application. If a player uses the SNES controller on the SNES Nintendo Switch Online Application, this causes the sound effects to be changed to sound effects from Super Mario World. The same thing happens if a player uses the NES Controller on the NES Online App.

While the video only showcased the sound effects when scrolling through the games menu, there are more sound effects if a player uses the side bar on the left-hand side of the UI, which would be more Super Mario 64 sound effects. Despite the rough launch of this service, there's still some charm here that show there's something to enjoy. Hopefully it's only a matter of time until the Nintendo Switch Online service is at a state where fans can be satisfied.

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