
  • An enhanced version of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild may be in the works for the Switch 2.
  • The purported project is believed to be code-named "U-King-O."
  • The official name or codename of the Switch 2 may start with an "O."

Nintendo may be planning to revisit The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the Switch 2, as suggested by some newly shared information from a reliable industry insider. This effort may result in an enhanced version of Breath of the Wild, which has been rumored about for a while now.

The first indication of such a project being in the works emerged online last September, when it was reported that Nintendo showcased Breath of the Wild running on a Switch 2 prototype behind closed doors at Gamescom 2023. The upgraded version of the game supposedly ran at a 4K resolution and 60 frames per second, partially thanks to AI frame generation.

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New Breath of the Wild Version Code-Named 'U-King-O' Possibly in the Works

Prominent Sega leaker Midori has recently reignited the rumors of an enhanced version of Breath of the Wild with a claim that Nintendo is currently working on a project code-named "U-King-O." The first part of that moniker matches the internal designation of Breath of the Wild, Unbound King, which was first revealed via a leak of Nintendo's E3 2014 showroom instruction packet. Later datamining efforts have also confirmed that the game's Wii U executable is called "U-King.rpx." The letter O may be a reference to the Switch 2, with Midori opining it might be connected to the upcoming console's codename.

The Switch 2's Name or Codename May Start With an 'O'

If that theory is accurate, then the recently leaked "Muji" designation may not be the actual Switch 2 codename, on account of it not starting with an "O." At the same time, "O" may also be the first letter of the Switch successor's official name. Nintendo has historically used both naming formats when designating internal game projects. E.g., the former Wii U exclusive Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker was originally code-named Kinopio, while its 2018 Switch port was called Kinopio-S. At the same time, Nintendo dubbed its 3DS version Kinopio-C, in reference to its target platform's codename, CTR.

Irrespective of any potential implications for the Switch 2 (code)name, this information does appear to suggest that a new version of Breath of the Wild is in the pipeline. Since the purported project has apparently received a platform-specific designation, it is possible that Nintendo intends to sell it as a standalone title, even though the upcoming Switch successor has long been rumored to offer backward compatibility.

During its latest earnings call, Nintendo confirmed that the Switch 2 will be revealed before the end of its current fiscal year, which concludes in March 2025. But with recent reports pointing to that month as the console's release window target, it is plausible that the much-anticipated device will be officially announced as early as summer 2024.