
  • A Nintendo leaker claims a new Super Monkey Ball game is being developed for the Switch 2, although fans should remain skeptical of leaks.
  • Recent rumors suggest the Switch 2 will have two models, one digital-only and one with a cartridge slot, launching in 2024.
  • Leaker Zippo states that the new Super Monkey Ball game will also be available on PC, PS5, and Xbox.

According to a frequent Nintendo leaker, a new Super Monkey Ball game is in development for the Switch 2, or whatever the next Nintendo console ends up being called. Nintendo Switch 2 leaks have been fast and furious as of late. Fans should take all the leaks with a grain of salt, of course, as while some of the leaks will be proven true, other leaks about Nintendo's next-generation console will inevitably turn out to be fake.

One of the more recent and exciting leaks about the Switch 2 console claimed that the system will launch in September or November 2024 with two models available. One version of the Switch 2 will supposedly be a digital-only device and retail for $400, while the other version will have a cartridge slot and cost $450. As with all leaks about the next Nintendo Console, fans should treat these details with healthy skepticism, especially since they probably won't get their answers until next year.

Fan Art Combines Pokemon and Super Monkey Ball

A talented artist combines Pokemon and Super Monkey Ball into one stunning piece of fan art, inspiring a crossover that still hasn't happened yet.

The latest rumor about the Switch 2 has to do with a game that will supposedly release for the new console shortly after its launch in 2024. According to leaker Zippo, who has sometimes been correct with their predictions and other times not, Sega is prepping a new Super Monkey Ball game, supposedly developed by Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio, the team best known for the Like a Dragon series. Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has developed two Super Monkey Ball games in the past, though, so it stands to reason that the studio would be trusted with a third one.

AiAi rolling up bananas on a yellow background

Zippo went on to say that the new Super Monkey Ball game won't just be releasing for the next Nintendo console, but rather, it will also be launched for PC via Steam, PS5, and Xbox. According to ZIppo's information, the new Super Monkey Ball will be available in the "early months" of the Switch 2. Assuming the leaks about the Switch 2's release date are accurate, that means fans should be able to expect the game in the Q4 2024 or early 2025.

Zippo ended their latest blog post by reiterating their claim that a new 3D Super Mario game is in development for the Switch successor console. They also added that a new Pokemon game will be available for the Switch 2 within the first few months of its release, but stopped short of providing any specific information on that front. It remains to be seen if that game is a new main series entry or perhaps the Black and White remakes that are rumored. Of course, it's also possible that all of this information is completely fabricated, and so fans should keep that in mind before getting too excited. More details about the Switch 2 and its games should be revealed in 2024.

A new Super Monkey Ball game is rumored to be in development.

MORE: Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania - Which Guest Characters are Paid DLC and Which Are Free

Source: Zippo