Nintendo's most recent sales report has revealed some impressive numbers, including the fact that Animal Crossing: New Horizons has now sold over 22 million copies, that the Switch has sold over 61 million units, and that Nintendo's net profits year-on-year have grown by over 500%.

Animal Crossing: New Horzizons, which now sits at 22.4 million units sold, is now the second best-selling Nintendo Switch game with it only surpassed by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which has sold 26.74 million units, respectively. It has surpassed Nintendo's other flagship franchises on the hybrid console such as Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (19.99 million units) and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (18.6 million units).

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New Horizons was so popular from April to June 2020 that it was reportedly played on over 50% of all Nintendo Switch systems sold during that period, on the first day of purchase. Additionally, the title was responsible for over 40% of overall sell-through for Switch titles in Japan, United States, and Europe for that same period.

Animal Crossing New Horizons sales

Speaking of software sales, Nintendo had two new titles surpass the one million sales mark this quarter, with Xenoblade Chronicles Definitve Edition and Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics each reach 1.32 million units and 1.03 million units, respectively. Nintendo's recent fitness title Ring Fit Adventure also saw a massive bump in sales this quarter, as the title suffered from huge product shortages from March of this year. As the title was restocked, it rose from #835 to #7 on the best-selling list for the month of July as the title's stock increased.

The hybrid console's hardware is selling just as well with 3.05 million Nintendo Switch systems and 2.62 Nintendo Switch Lite systems selling this quarter, totaling 5.68 million Switch consoles sold in that time frame, which stands as a 166% increase year-on-year. The console's lifetime sales are now sitting at a whopping 61.44 million units. At just around 3 and a half years into the console's life, the Nintendo Switch has already surpassed the Wii U (13.56 million units), Nintendo Gamecube (21.74 million units), Nintendo 64 (32.93 million units) and Super Nintendo Entertainment System (49.1 million units). It is now set to soon pass the Nintendo Entertainment System, which sold a total of 61.91 million units. With the console just barely halfway through its life cycle, the Switch is certain to break more records in the future.

Finally, Nintendo's mobile income reached 13.2 billion yen (roughly $125.16 million USD), which is a 32.7% increase year-on-year.  All of these highlights amount to Nintendo's total net profit reaching 106.4 billion yen (roughly $1.008 billion USD), which is a 576.2% increase year-on-year from FY20/Q1's 16.6 billion yen (roughly $157.37 million USD). As for the company's future plans going forward, not much is known as far as new titles and hardware aside from Pikmin 3 Deluxe, which is set to release this October and the announced The Legend of Zelda: Breathe of the Wild sequel, Bayonetta 3, and Metroid Prime 4.

Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Nintendo