Game ZXC compiles all the Nintendo NX rumors so far, which include the system's potential library of games, possible controller designs, and its release window.

The Wii U is not even four years old, and already Nintendo appears to be ready to launch a new console. This comes as no surprise, considering the general sales failure that the Wii U has been - especially compared to its predecessor. Of course, Nintendo and gaming fans alike are excited to see what the Nintendo NX has to offer, and as a result, rumors about the device have been swirling since Nintendo confirmed its existence last year.

Some of these rumors will probably turn out to be false, but others could very well be the real deal. For those that want to have a possible idea of what the Nintendo NX is all about, here are all the Nintendo NX rumors so far.

Console Power - Handheld/Console Hybrid?

When it comes to the Nintendo NX hardware, there have been numerous rumors surrounding the power of the machine, with the latest rumor stating that the Nintendo NX will be more powerful than the PlayStation 4. It's not hard to see why this would be a smart move for Nintendo, as it would help the company compete directly with PS4 and Xbox One, and would make it easier for third parties to port games to the console. If the NX is in fact more powerful than the PS4 and Xbox One, the rumors that the NX will feature cross-platform play with those systems seems more possible.

Another interesting rumor about the Nintendo NX hardware claims that the system will be a handheld/console hybrid. Some more recent reports have denied these claims, but others still say that the handheld version of the NX will launch this year, with its console counterpart to follow in 2017. This would be unprecedented in the gaming industry, so we're not entirely sure how the public would respond to such a unique device.


Since the days of the Nintendo 64, Nintendo has had a history of manufacturing nontraditional controllers. Its latest controller, the Wii U's GamePad, attempted to combine elements of tablets with typical controller inputs, but few developers have managed to create worthwhile GamePad-specific gameplay.

One would think this would make Nintendo reconsider the prospect of creating a controller that is more in line with what the competition has on the market, but it seems like that may not be the case. Recent rumors point to the Nintendo NX having a touchscreen controller, which seem to match up with some recent patents Nintendo has filed as well. Even though the "leaked" Nintendo NX controller photos matching the patents have turned out to be fake, we wouldn't be surprised if the final product is not far off.

Release Date

Whenever a new console is on the horizon, one of the most exciting things for fans is knowing exactly when they can get their hands on the new system. As a result, rumors have been swirling about the NX's release date since the device became public knowledge, with one rumor even claiming that the Nintendo NX will release as soon as July of this year.

When one considers that it's already April and Nintendo still has yet to show off the NX, that July release date seems unlikely. Rather, it would make far more sense for Nintendo to release the device in the fall, as that would also give the company extra time to ensure that the NX has a strong launch lineup of games.

Third Party Push

Speaking of the NX's games, rumors have pointed to Nintendo making a strong push for third party support. The lack of third party games on Nintendo systems has been a consistent criticism of the company since the days of the Wii, and it would make sense if Nintendo worked to rectify that problem with the NX to silence its critics.

To that end, it appears as though Nintendo is looking to forge a relationship with one of the industry's biggest third party publishers, Activision. Rumors have pointed to Destiny 2 coming to the NX, along with Activision's other major franchises such as the new Call of Duty game as well as the next Skylanders title. If this is true, then the NX may have third party support on par with its competitors, which hasn't really happened for Nintendo since the GameCube days.

Zelda Will Be A Launch Title

The Legend of Zelda fans have been patiently waiting for the Wii U to receive a new game in the series since the console launched in 2012. While Nintendo is still adamant that the next Legend of Zelda will still come to the Wii U, there have also been reports that The Legend of Zelda will be an NX launch title. This would be huge for the NX, as it would allow the system to launch with a new game in one of the company's biggest franchises, and could be enough to convince those that have never bothered purchasing a Wii U to shell out cash for the new system.

It will be interesting to see what form the Nintendo NX takes whenever Nintendo finally reveals the device. We do know that Nintendo will talk about NX this year, and it's very likely that the system will be fully unveiled at E3, if not sooner. Gaming fans the world over will be waiting to see if the Nintendo NX addresses the common complaints lobbed at the Wii U, and if the Big N will be able to make a much-needed comeback in the console space.

Do you think any of the rumors about the Nintendo NX are true? Leave us your thoughts on Nintendo's upcoming new console in the comments below.