Over the years, Nintendo has introduced a wide cast of admirable video game heroes. Most of these heroes are portrayed as silent—a decision developers made in order to let players project their own selves on the characters. However, if you pay close enough attention, each protagonist displays a different set of qualities that make them uniquely successful in their own journeys.

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Using these qualities, these heroes can be sorted into the twelve zodiac signs. It may not be an exact science, but it’s an interesting way to better understand these characters. Based on your zodiac sign, you can determine which popular Nintendo character you’re most like!

As the first astrological sign of the zodiac, Aries is often thought of as the most courageous sign. An Aries is also adventurous, confident, and a little bit impulsive.

Link from The Legend of Zelda makes total sense as an Aries—bearing the Triforce of Courage, he proves time and time again that he can overcome any obstacles. He’s an adventurer with an impulsive streak that can sometimes get him into trouble, but he always finds his way out.

11 Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Donkey Kong

Stubbornness is the most prominent characteristic of the Taurus, but this sign has so much more to offer. A Taurus is also reliable, determined, and hard-working. Similarly, Donkey Kong is determined to protect his family and precious bananas from the Kremling Krew. He’s a symbol of strength in the Nintendo universe—a natural Taurus.

10 Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Captain Olimar

Geminis are known to be intellectual and curious. They are also sometimes considered the life of the party due to their lively energy. Captain Olimar from the Pikmin series has a definite interest in science and is quite observational. While he certainly isn’t throwing any parties, the Pikmin are drawn to him and his leadership.

9 Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Luigi

Cancers are regarded as one of the most emotional signs. They are good-natured people who are extremely kind and caring.

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As the brother of Nintendo’s most famous hero, Luigi has his own quirks that separate his personality from Mario’s. He tends to be more timid and is famously nervous in the Luigi’s Mansion series. However, he is able to overcome his fears and save his brother who he deeply cares for.

8 Leo (July 23 - August 22): Fox McCloud

Leos are natural leaders. They exude confidence and tend to be the center of attention. They are fearless, faithful, and occasionally reckless.

Fox McCloud, the protagonist of the Star Fox series, is an excellent leader taking after his father. He’s brave and protective of his team. His confidence is sometimes mistaken as cockiness, but like any Leo he is able to prove his capabilities.

7 Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Red

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Virgos are modest, practical, and reliable. They are the more serious sign and as a result, they can be perfectionists. Like many other Nintendo protagonists, Red from Pokémon is mostly a silent character. In the games he appears in, he is the strongest trainer and it is clear that he is a very serious character who takes a practical approach to fighting. His team is also very consistent, showing his reliability.

6 Libra (September 23 - October 22): Kirby

Generally known as the most friendly sign, Libras are social and charming. They are also diplomatic and seek justice in all that they do. They can be indecisive and gullible at times, but overall they are determined to bring harmony to those around them. It’s no surprise that Kirby fits this exactly.

5 Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Samus Aran

Scorpios often get a bad rap for being too secretive or obsessive. However, you cannot help but respect the passion and determination that they have. Little is known about the star of the Metroid series, Samus, who is famously revealed as a woman at the end of the first title game. It isn’t hard to see that she is passionate about her missions and is a force to be reckoned with.

4 Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Mario

A Sagittarius is an adventurer through and through. They love to travel, they are optimistic, and they are strong-willed. Nintendo’s flagship character Mario fits the description of a Sagittarius incredibly well. He never gives up, is cheerful, and has been the leading adventurer of Nintendo heroes for the last three decades.

3 Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Captain Falcon

Capricorns tend to be the most grounded of the earth signs and are extremely hard workers. Their determination and ambition are reminiscent of another popular Nintendo character, Captain Falcon from the F-Zero series. Captain Falcon is very successful and reserved. It is widely known that he worked hard to get where he is.

2 Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Princess Zelda

The most prominent trait of an Aquarius is their humanitarianism. They are also known for their intellect, loyalty, and somewhat detached nature.

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The titular character from TheLegend of Zelda series is very obviously an Aquarius. Zelda’s role in the series is a self-sacrificial one; she is fiercely loyal to her subjects and will do whatever it takes to save them and the future of all mankind.

1 Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Ness

Pisces are said to be the most emotional and psychic signs of the zodiac. Ness, one of the protagonists of the Earthbound series, is equally intuitive, emotional, and kind. Ness’ frequently referenced homesickness alludes to the fact that he deeply cares about his family. His powers also support the theory that Ness is indeed a Pisces.

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