A Nintendo fan is showing off their father’s latest yard sale haul, an assortment of classic GameCube games along with the console itself. While Nintendo’s sixth-generation system didn’t quite beat out the PlayStation 2 and original Xbox when it launched in the early 2000s, fans still look back fondly on it thanks to its memorable assortment of classic Gamecube exclusives like Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, and Metroid Prime.

Thanks to its popularity, the Nintendo GameCube and its library of games have been in high demand in the retro gaming market, with outlets like eBay selling them at incredibly inflated prices. Nostalgic gamers not wishing to spend a small fortune on classics like Resident Evil 4 have instead tried their local yard sales, coming across great bargains and sharing them with fellow Nintendo fans on social media.

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One such instance was recently reported by Reddit user Xaphanex, who posted a picture of their father’s latest yard sale gaming haul to r/gaming. According to them, their father brought a large box filled with a Nintendo GameCube and multiple games home - which he apparently hesitated on buying before Xaphanex told him what he had stumbled across. The entire collection reportedly cost $5 and included a mix of titles like Luigi’s Mansion, the tie-in games for the first two Spider-Man films, and Def Jam: Fight for NY. As noted by some of the commentators on Xaphanex’s post, some of these games sell for upwards of $100 by themselves.

Quite a few GameCube games have been re-released or remastered on the Nintendo Switch over the past few years, such as Metroid Prime and Super Mario Sunshine. However, plenty of highly-requested games still have yet to emerge on modern hardware, and Nintendo itself doesn't seem committed to porting them to Switch Online. This makes yard sales all the more appealing to players who want to re-experience old GameCube titles without spending massive amounts of cash.

Xaphanex is quite lucky that their dad chanced across such a large collection of Nintendo GameCube titles at his local yard sale, especially one that only cost him a mere five bucks to make his own. While he might not have been aware of it at the time he made his discovery, Xaphanex’s father was able to bring home some of the GameCube’s most fondly remembered third-party titles for an absolute bargain.

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