With E3 having been canceled yet again this year, many gamers were eagerly hoping that companies would host individual showcase to fill these gaps. While there were certainly announcements to be excited about, the usual summer gaming season was noticeably more muted than in years past, and Nintendo is no exception to this. There technically were Indie Directs for smaller titles, however a larger conference for some of the biggest upcoming Switch games was nowhere to be seen, despite rumors to the contrary.

Now with the year already creeping into mid-July, many felt the chance for these kinds of reveals had come and gone. However, to the surprise of many, Nintendo has made a few left field announcements this past week. First was the reveal of Kirby's Dream Buffet, and then the very next day was the release date confirmation of Bayonetta 3 alongside a brand-new trailer. While it's unclear if this is a random decision by Nintendo or the status quo going forward, this new method of making announcements may be more beneficial for everyone.

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Individual Nintendo Announcements Put Less Stress on Developers


First and foremost, video game development is no easy venture, as anything from the smallest indie title to the biggest AAA blockbuster has its fair of challenges. It is such a meticulous production just from a creative and technical standpoint, never mind the secondary element of having to dive into marketing the title. Traditionally speaking, games needed to be in attendance at large digital events like E3 to secure an audience, but now with the limitless eyes on the internet, there are other ways to promote a game.

Studios may have to rush and work extra hours just to prepare a short demonstration from a game. This would always have to coincide with the schedule of E3, or whatever other major event was happening at the time. Even in a Nintendo Direct, numerous teams all push to get a few minutes of screen time in, but could potentially run the risk of stepping on each other's toes as well. With individual announcements, teams can work at a pace that benefits them, and then Nintendo can make the reveal when everything is set to go.

Less Disappointment For Nintendo Fans

kirbys dream buffet

Gamers often have high expectations for upcoming video game announcements and releases. Leading into a Nintendo Direct, for example, hype can go through the roof as countless theories and speculative discussions take place. The danger with this of course, is creating unrealistic expectations for a showcase. It'd understandably be great to get updates for games like Metroid Prime 4, Breath of the Wild 2 and more, but to expect them all to show up during the same 30-45 minute presentation is too much.

The reveal of Kirby's Dream Buffet didn't set game media on fire, but it was a nice surprise, especially for fans of the pink puffball. Likewise, the release date confirmation for Bayonetta 3 was equally met with a positive reception, pleasing fans who had been waiting for news for quite some time. Players had no expectations for either of these reveals to happen, yet at the same time, were provided exactly what they wanted, resulting in a much more healthy interaction between developers and players.

It is unclear if this is a new strategy that Nintendo will pursue going forward, or more of a back-up plan to compensate for shifting schedules behind the scenes. Either way, giving each individual game a chance to shine in the spotlight is a worthwhile plan of action, and can only benefit the success of each of these upcoming Nintendo titles, as well as the satisfaction of eager fans around the world.

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