Nintendo, in collaboration with Japanese mobile giant DeNA, has begun expanding its horizons by offering some of its properties to mobile users. While the company had resisted the idea for quite some time during the Iwata days, eventually, there was no denying the rising popularity of smart devices. This untapped market of hundreds of millions was too significant to pass up.

Thus began Nintendo's foray into mobile games in 2016, which has so far seen the release of Mii-based software, a Super Mario game, and 3rd party Pokémon titles. This year, we've seen the release of Dr. Mario World and Mario Kart Tour - both of which would seem to make a great fit for mobile gaming, but have received mixed reviews.

Related: 10 Pro Tips For Mario Kart Tour You Should Know

This gets us thinking - with such a massive backlog of unique IPs, what other Nintendo-made games might make for solid mobile software? In this list, we'll go over 10 such games/franchises that should be a great fit for smart devices.

Given the relatively smooth translation of Dr. Mario, another hit puzzle game from Nintendo, it would make sense that this charming puzzler on SNES, Yoshi's Cookie would be a delicious fit for mobile gaming.

The addictive gameplay coupled with a pretty simple concept and interface should have a wide appeal, similar to the smash-hit Candy Crush. The controls and mechanics, which revolve around shifting various "cookie" shapes, could be made even more smooth and simple with a click and drag touch screen controls. A mobile release would be a terrific way for this long-dormant franchise to make an impactful return.

9 Picross

Considering this long-running puzzler from Nintendo has helped showcase a variety of gadgets from the Big N, it would make sense that that Picross should be represented on the mobile end of things.

The concept of the game revolves around what's called "discrete tomography," which you're given a grid and corresponding series of numbers that clue you in on the squares that need to be filled. Just like our previous entry - and even more so here - the ability to intuitively zoom, scroll, and click with touch screen functionality would make for an easy, seamless experience.

8 Brain Age

Sure, a Brain Age successor was only recently announced for the Switch, but how about a rendition for mobile devices? It would seemingly make more sense, given the wide appeal of a franchise like this, as well as the stripped-down nature of the game.

Related: 10 Apps The Nintendo Switch Is Missing (For Some Reason)

The variety of math, memory, and matching puzzles should blend well with the sensibilities of smart devices, as many prefer to whip out their phones for bite-sized gaming sessions on-the-go. It could even double as a built-in phone app that could track your progress and improvement over many months and even years of returning to rack your brain.

7 Elite Beat Agents

There are a variety of DS-specific IPs that would seemingly translate to mobile gaming quite well, given the similarities in the tech and features. Yet, Elite Beat Agents, a cult hit for the DS, certainly comes to mind as one of the coolest potential mobile games from the Nintendo archives.

The emphasis on rhythmic music could allow people to plug in those headphones and rock out on their smart devices - as they're often used as makeshift mp3 players anyway. Moreover, the game's interface, which relies on location-based screen taps, would be a terrific fit for these devices. Sure, you might get a few stares from curious onlookers when playing this quirky rhythm game in public, but with a romp as enjoyable as this, it's totally worth it.

6 Snipperclips

snipperclips basketball puzzle

There have been a handful of mobile releases from Nintendo already - and many more if you include the 3rd party Pokémon games. Yet, there have been few real attempts by the Big N to create a solid local co-op game, which is curious as this is an area they excel in.

Snipperclips could be that mobile game to encourage friends, family, and spouses to play together on their devices; perhaps even on the same device. And at the same time, the game could still support Wi-Fi connectivity for more effective co-op romps. The cute aesthetic and free-and-loose puzzle gameplay should make for an experience that has a vast appeal for mobile users.

5 Kirby

The free-flowing scrolling platforming of Super Mario Run would seem to fit more into the Kirby universe than with the mushroom-eating plumber himself.

Related: The 10 Best Nintendo DS Games Ever Made (According To Metacritic)

A touch-based mobile game featuring the charming pink puffball could take a Sonic-like approach, as the experience could have Kirby rolling around collecting gems and consuming foes or partaking in speedruns. Or the game could take after Kirby: Canvas Curse on DS, which had you move around a ball-like Kirby by tracing lines across an array of colorful stages with your finger/stylus.

4 Rythym Heaven

It's important to consider the fairly limited control inputs of mobile devices when looking for translatable games. It's this reason that Nintendo's quirky minimalistic rhythm series, RythymHeaven, is tailor-made for mobile devices. Heck, this game is so simple that it could even be functional on a wristwatch!

This isn't to say the actual gameplay is easy, as you'll often be forced to tap in near-perfect synchronicity to the beat of various random, cartoony shenanigans transpiring on screen. Yet, the game's use of only a couple of different inputs, basic aesthetics, and bite-sized gameplay make for a mobile-ready experience out of the gate.

3 Warioware

Warioware's bombardment of fly-by microgames would surely mesh with mobile gaming and would make those agonizing train commutes a bit more exciting.

Ok, so being seen in public tilting your phone as you try to steer a missile into a UFO or shave a random dude's face might not be ideal. Regardless, the potential of Warioware's touch/gyro-based interface on mobile devices would appear to be limitless. The quirky, cartoony traits of the game definitely mesh with the countless number of similarly goofy, cutesy software that makes up the mobile scene.

2 F-Zero

Considering we haven't had a proper F-Zero game since the GameCube days, one could say that we're long overdue for a new one - and a mobile release could be just the way to ring in a renaissance for this futuristic racer. After all, it's not exactly fair to that Captain Falcon stands as one of the few representations in Smash Bros. Ultimate not to feature in his own game for well over a decade.

The potential of playing an F-Zero game on-the-go with dozens of other racers online makes one giddy at the mere thought. While mobile devices still have some catching up to do compared to modern PCs and home consoles, they have made great strides, and could certainly be capable of presenting a smooth, dazzling visual experience. The minimalistic controls of zipping across the various tracks could be covered with touch-based movement or even gyro controls.

1 Mario Party

Switch's Super Mario Party demonstrated that this long-running series still has some life left, even when further simplifying the gameplay and mechanics. So why not a version for smart devices?

A Mario Party mobile game could carry a ton of potential. It could even serve as an app that could track your stats, match up and compare scores with others online, and utilize features like the camera for AR games, gyro movement, and voice recognition. This would surely open things up for a myriad of amusing Mario Party minigames.

Next: 5 Nintendo Characters We Still Want In Super Smash Bros Ultimate (& 5 Third-Party Ones Who Might)