One popular appeal of the Fire Emblem series is players' ability to raise and train their favorite characters throughout a given game, bringing them from zero to hero. While this can be incredibly rewarding, the series also contains characters who join a player's army already in a promoted class, toting excellent combat capability, skills, and other strengths.

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These types of characters can be quite polarizing to players, as some love the raw strength they bring to one's forces, while others argue that these units steal experience points from less capable units. So today, we're going to examine the strongest, most capable, and most worthwhile pre-promoted units from across Fire Emblem's history!

10 Jagen - Shadow Dragon

The namesake character of the series' "Jagen" archetype of early pre-promoted characters, Jagen himself is an excellent unit Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, especially in its higher difficulties. Available from the very beginning of the game, Jagen is a Paladin able to take hits much more reliably than a player's other units and is capable of killing enemies with ease and setting up kills for a player's weaker units.

While Jagen is far from invincible and loses his usefulness as a game progresses, in the game's harder difficulties, he is an integral unit to use if a player seeks to get through the game's earliest chapters.

9 Jeritza - Three Houses

Available in the Crimson Flower route of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Jeritza is playable once a player reaches the game's time skip. Jeritza has some of the highest base stats in the game and is immediately in the running for a player's most useful unit as soon as he becomes playable.

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Jeritza encapsulates the strength the comes with a pre-promoted unit, as they require little time or resources to make useful. They allow a player to allocate their attention and focus elsewhere whilst enabling said units to remain impactful.

8 Titania - Path Of Radiance & Radiant Dawn

titania fire emblem

Titania is another character of the previously mentioned "Jagen" character archetype, appearing in both Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. Primarily wielding axes, Titania totes incredibly high strength that permits her to do away with most enemies from the word go.

Additionally, she's one of the most widely available units in Path of Radiance and is available in the majority of chapters in Radiant Dawn starting in the game's third part. While most "Jagen" characters will lose their usefulness as a game progresses, Titania's above-average growths allow her to maintain her spot in one's army throughout both Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.

7 Camilla - Fates

camilla fire emblem

Some of the most integral units in Fire Emblem Fates are the respective members of the royal families of Nohr and Hoshido. Between both royal families, no playable character as much utility and versatility as Camilla.

A Malig Knight with phenomenal base stats and solid growth rates, Camilla can easily traverse maps due to her access to flight, while being able to dish out damage and take a hit. Camilla has yet even more flexibility due to her uncommon access to magic that allows her to selectively use physical or magical attacks based on a given situation.

6 Perceval - The Binding Blade

Appearing in the sixth entry of the Fire Emblem series, Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, Perceval is the epitome of what a mid or late game pre-promoted unit should be. Joining a player's army with some of the most impressive base stats in the game and an A rank in both swords and Lances, Perceval is almost always among the most powerful units as soon as he becomes playable.

Perceval can often take care of entire sections of a map by himself. Even toting notably high resistance for a Paladin, it's hard to find an area in which Perceval does not excel.

5 Pent - The Blazing Blade

Pent is notably one of the most useful magic users in Fire Emblem history, and share a great deal in common with Perceval. Joining a player's army a decent portion of the way into Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Pent immediately provides a massive amount of utility and offense alike, automatically joining with an A rank in both Anima magic and staves.

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This means that while Pent can destroy foes with powerful tomes, he is one of the only units in the game able to easily wield high ranking staves such as the incredible warp staff.

4 Marcus - Binding Blade & Blazing Blade

To many seasoned Fire Emblem players, Marcus and the idea of a pre-promoted character go hand in hand. Function as the "Jagen" of both Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade and Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade, Marcus is a standout unit in both of his appearances. Possessing high offense, bulk, and mobility, Marcus can safely set up kills for weaker units in order to help them gain experience.

This is paramount in The Binding Blade's hard mode, in which the vast majority of foes will be able to do away with a player's units in single combat. While Marcus's usefulness may stagnate in The Binding Blade as the game progresses, his improved growth rates in The Blazing Blade allow players to utilize this remarkable unit throughout the entire game.

3 Haar - Radiant Dawn

haar fire emblem

Haar is the epitome of an excellent flying unit in the Fire Emblem series, and easily one of the best pre-promoted characters the franchise has ever seen. Flying on wyvern-back, Haar's mobility is unparalleled, allowing Haar to swiftly traverse maps and obliterate any pesky or troublesome enemy units.

Due to his phenomenal blend of base stats, growth rates, and solid availability (the third of which is a rarity in Radiant Dawn), Haar is one of the most dependable units in the game. Whether he's trivializing side objectives or taking on entire portions of a map by himself, it's hard to imagine Radiant Dawn without Haar.

2 Seth - The Sacred Stones

seth fire emblem

To say that Seth is a member of the "Jagen" archetype would be doing him a major disservice. Appearing in Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones, Seth is without a doubt one of the most broken, unbalanced, and overpowered units in the history of the Fire Emblem series. Available from the very first chapter, Seth starts with some of the highest base stats of any character in the game as well as solid growth rates.

Even if a player were to raise one of the game's playable cavaliers, such as Franz, to level twenty and promote them into a Paladin, in most cases, this newly minted Paladin would still have inferior stats to those of Seth when the game started.

1 Sigurd - Genealogy Of The Holy War

Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War's first generation is one of the few arcs in Fire Emblem that is lacking in a pre-promoted mentor character or traditional "Jagen." This is because the protagonist of the game, Sigurd, functions as his very own pre-promote, and is by and large the most powerful unit at a player's disposal.

Toting the incredible mobility that Genealogy is known for, Sigurd can reliably deal with foes easier than any other unit. Sigurd is so powerful that like Seth, it's within the realm of reason to state that a player could likely complete the entire first generation of the game without using any other units at a player's disposal.

NEXT: 10 Most Useful Pieces of Equipment in Fire Emblem History