Nintendo is a powerhouse in the world of gaming, creating family-friendly game consoles from the early 1980s up until the modern day, with no signs of them slowing down anytime soon. Nintendo prides itself in its fantastic range of exclusives, with some series that began in the '80s still receiving installments to this day.

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There are many iconic titles within its vast library that still live on in the fond memories of gamers but are collecting dust on shelves with their outdated consoles. These games gave hours of joy to many gamers of that generation and deserve to be remade and introduced to a new generation.

8 Eternal Darkness

Main character from Eternal Darkness in a library-like room, looking pensive.

One of the few Nintendo-exclusive horror titles to ever be made, Eternal Darkness earned itself a place in the hall of honor, scaring the gamers of that generation senseless. Players assume the role of Alexandra Roivas, who returns to her family's estate as the sole surviving descendant following the murder of her grandfather. With the police turning up no leads, Alexandra takes matters into her hands.

Eternal Darkness proved to be one of the most original horror game titles that would take a toll on player's sanity by messing with their actual systems, such as turning on and off the TV set the game system was linked to, changing the volume or triggering a warning message to appear to further immerse players into the horror. These unique features elevated an otherwise solid horror game to new heights, and gamers can only dream of modern games taking such risks.

7 Kid Icarus: Uprising

Icarus running with his bow in hand, a smile on his face as he glances back over his shoulder.

Kid Icarus is a series that seems to mostly have been abandoned now in favor of other franchises, despite always being lauded by critics and fans alike. This smash-hit Icarus title was released for the 3DS and sees players taking on the role of Kid Icarus once more as he works under the orders of Palutena, the Goddess of Light, set 25 years after the first game in the series. Pit once more must take up the bow to stop the evil Goddess Medusa and her evil plans for the world.

With a stellar single-player campaign and a multiplayer feature, Kid Icarus: Uprising has the potential to be a huge success if remade.

6 The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Link and Midna facing each other in front of a twilight portal.

The Legend of Zelda series has enjoyed great success in the last few years, with new titles being released with innovations to the joy of long-time fans. Though Twilight Princess did receive an HD release on the Wii U, it is deserving of a full remake, a la Resident Evil.

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Twilight Princess is perhaps the darkest Zelda title across the whole franchise, featuring a shape-shifting Link who has been cursed (or blessed) with the ability to shift between wolf and Hylian form as he attempts to free Hyrule from the grip of darkness following Zant's successful coup of Hyrule Castle, captivating the land in perpetual Twilight. Along with the aid of Midna, Link must revitalize the Light Spirits scattered throughout the domain.

5 EarthBound Beginnings

EarthBound Beginnings, or Mother, in all its picealted glory. Four youths are seen walking through a town in a staggered formation.

Though EarthBound Beginnings, or Mother as it's known in its home country, looks humble at a glance, this game holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers who recall their time with it fondly. Though it did receive a port on Switch, the game has not received any sort of remake treatment, remaining on the newer platform in its original pixilated form.

Players assume the role of the main character Ninten, fondly named after the company of a similar name. A race of evil mind-controlling aliens has invaded, and it's up to the young Ninten to stop them by traveling across America and gathering eight melodies through the use of his physic powers. Ninten will travel to various connected towns and delve into dungeons in a similar vein to Pokemon games, combining exploration and combat.

4 Golden Sun

Three heroes stand in a line against three enemies, preparing to fight.

This classic JRPG series takes players on a fantastical adventure in the fictional world called Weyard, spanning multiple continents and oceans. Though the game opens with humble beginnings, as players will see a young boy from a village woken by his mother so they two may flee the path of an approaching avalanche. Years after the storm that devastated the village and saw many inhabitants go missing, Isaac and his friends are Psynergy when they are confronted by a group of strangers who kidnap some of Isaac's friends.

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In typical RPG fashion, players will journey with the main character and side characters who will aid him on his quest, fighting in a turn-based combat system against creatures, gaining EXP, and leveling up abilities. Hailed as one of the greatest RPGs of all time, a remake of this game would undoubtedly be a success and introduce a new generation of fans to this beloved franchise.

3 Super Paper Mario

Screenshot from Super Paper Mario, seeing him jump in a platform level typical of Maril

Abandoning the usual tried and true formula of Bowser kidnapping Princess Peach and Mario being forced to make his way to Bowser's castle to save her, Super Paper Mario actually saw the titular plumber teaming up with his trusty brother and sidekick Luigi, the aforementioned Peach, and even his nemesis Bowser as they unite against a common enemy.

This is one of Mario's most innovative and original titles, merging together RPG elements with classic platforming mechanics Mario fans love and know, creating a wholly unique game. Regarded as one of the best Paper Mario games, it is the Mario game most deserving of remake treatment.

2 Chrono Trigger

Screenshot of Chrono trigger, showing multiple character sprites together in one scene.

Time travel, dinosaurs, and a post-apocalyptic future... these are just a few ingredients that make up the DNA of the ambitious RPG title Chrono Trigger. Players will traverse through these different time eras to fix the time-travel paradox they created in the game's opening and the problems that spawn from it, such as being arrested on charges of kidnapping the Monarch. The plot of the game spans more than what can be summarized in a short paragraph and is impressive enough that most gamers should experience it first-hand.

The gameplay is typical of an RPG, featuring turn-based combat and an array of melee and magical attacks, healing items, as well as armor and weapons they can equip on the main character or their companions. It is simple and derivative of previous RPG titles, but why fix what is not broken? The saving grace of Chrono Trigger is its story, which a remake would really let shine with updated graphics and gameplay.

1 Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

Mario and Luigi double-teaming on one kart, in first place of the race.

Though there is certainly no shortage of Mario Kart games, no other title in that series has done what Double Dash!! has.

Typically, Mario Kart games feature one character per kart, who will have to take care of the driving and the items, but Double Dash!! splits the duties between the driver and the passenger, with the passenger responsible for holding and throwing items. Players could choose which two to pair up and switch the characters from driver to passenger and vice versa. Seeing this on modern-day hardware with refreshed graphics, an updated character roster, and more maps would be a real treat, as it stands out as one the best Mario Kart games to date.

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