September is shaping up to be a busy time for the gaming industry, with several events taking place or rumored to take place. The Disney and Marvel Games Showcase is set for September 9, while Ubisoft Forward follows on September 10, alongside other events like PAX West and the Tokyo Game Show. The PlayStation Showcase is rumored to take place on September 8, and many fans are expecting a Nintendo Direct to happen soon too.

The latter is because there has been a major Nintendo Direct every September for the past six years, with the sole exception of September 2020's Direct. It was a mini, but this was a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. So, barring any big scheduling changes, fans can easily expect a major Nintendo Direct to take place next month, and insider Jeff Grubb may have narrowed that date down.

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During a recent episode of Last of the Nintendogs, Grubb discussed how he heard from a 'pretty good source' that the Nintendo Direct was planned for the week of September 12. He also, later, adds that fans shouldn't expect it to be announced until sometime after Labor Day, which makes perfect sense. Nintendo has, in the past, announced these events just days before they take place or randomly dropped a Direct, at that. With it being a bigger showcase than normal, it does seem likelier to feature a proper announcement. (The relevant segment takes place at the 17-minute mark below).

It should be noted that Grubb addresses someone who randomly dropped a lot of info in a chat, where they claimed that a Nintendo Direct could happen as early as next week, but doing an event like this the week of Labor Day seems unlikely, to him and in general. This is especially true given that most of the week is potentially eaten up with other events, too.

With that in mind, it seems Grubb's intuition is that September 13 or September 14 are the likeliest days for the event, although again anytime that week is possible. Of course, second to when it happens is what it will show. The Switch has a few major games that deserve a Direct spotlight, like Bayonetta 3 and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The latter is certainly possible, if it doesn't get its own Pokemon Direct sometime later, as very little has been shown about these games. What many fans may want to see, however, is Nintendo's plans for 2023, as the only real thing confirmed is Breath of the Wild 2. It's due for some news too.

A Nintendo Direct is rumored to take place in September.

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