When it comes to both Nintendo and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, supposed leaks tend to pop up with astonishing frequency. Not too long ago, a 4chan post claimed to know when the fighting game's next DLC character, Banjo-Kazooie, would release and now fans are speculating that the next fighter will be announced in a new Nintendo Direct in September.

This comes from a GameStop leak posted to Reddit, where a blurry photo of a screen shows twelve untitled Switch games listed in the retailer's system. Given Nintendo's track record, it seems likely that these games will all be officially announced at the same time during a Direct. The user who posted the image goes on to predict that not only will Nintendo reveal the next DLC character for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but that it will either be Crash Bandicoot or a Bandai Namco character. This is not a direct confirmation, as these are relatively safe and popular guesses for potential new fighters. Plus, it contradicts previous leaks that have claimed that the likes of the Doom Guy will be included. Given Nintendo and Bethesda's growing relationship, with the likes of Doom and Skyrim being ported to the Switch and the latter even getting some Legend of Zelda themed content, there does seem to be some strong evidence that Doom Guy will be DLC for Smash.

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super smash bros. ultimate dlc

Ultimately, all of this needs to be taken with a grain of salt, as there has been no official confirmation from Nintendo that a Direct will even happen. It should also be noted that, so far, Nintendo have announced new Smash Bros. characters during big events. Joker was revealed during the 2018 Game Awards in December, and both the Hero and Banjo-Kazooie were revealed at this year's E3, so having the next fighter be shown off during a standard Direct almost seems unlikely.

Ironically, the various rumors and leaks is only making it harder to figure out who will be added as DLC. We here at GameZXC have our own hopes that certain characters will make the cut and get a chance to battle the likes of Mario, Sonic and Cloud.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is available right now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: 5 Characters That Should Be In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (& 5 Who Could Never Show Up)

Source: Reddit