The Nintendo Direct Mini presentation has taken place and it has a mixed reaction. The Nintendo event was focused on third party titles and it offered four trailers for new offerings. Despite a variety of games and content coming to Nintendo consoles, it seems that these were not the games that some players wanted to see. This has been showcased by the reaction to the presentation on YouTube and the trending Nintendo Direct topic on Twitter which had been a place of skepticism before the presentation began.

A lot of fans were vocal about their desire to see Bayonetta 3 at this Nintendo event. This game was not seen and despite fans pointing out that it was unlikely to appear, some are now annoyed at the presentation.

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There are now over 12,000 downvotes and plenty of negative comments on the Nintendo presentation video, but some players had already created memes for what they expected to be a lackluster event. Some memes were made as gentle reminders not to get too excited about a presentation that had little marketing, while other images poked fun at fans with high expectations. It is clear who has the last laugh after the Nintendo Direct Mini presentation but that won't help fans who decided to be optimists going into the event.

Many will now wonder when games such as Metroid Prime 4, Hollow Knight: Silksong, and Bayonetta 3 will be announced and if they will be unveiled at similar presentations. There had been questions about the future of Nintendo Direct events and it seems that some players will now contemplate the importance of these presentations. If presentations do not deliver what viewers want to see they will inevitably lose traction and this event may raise future concerns about the relevancy of these smaller announcements. With that said there are plenty of fans who are excited about the trailer for Shin Megami Tensei 5 that was shown.

It seems that the internet is still happy to poke fun at game announcements and with more events scheduled from console creators in the coming months it will be interesting to see what new memes are produced. The build-up to this event will take some beating in terms of fan content, and it will be tough to top previous PlayStation 5 design memes. Nonetheless, the gaming community will undoubtedly rise to the challenge.

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