Nintendo Directs are always an exciting time, allowing gamers to learn new details about upcoming games on the Japanese game giant's platform. A Direct had been scheduled for today, but has since been delayed following a serious earthquake in Hokkaido, Japan.

Nintendo announced the delay via Twitter, citing the earthquake as the reason for the delay and thanking fans for their understanding. No new date has been announced for the Direct as of this writing, but Nintendo promised to provide one in the near future. No other updates have been given thus far.

The Nintendo Direct had originally been planned for 3:00 PM PST, and was to focus on upcoming 3DS and Switch games. There was also the possibility of news about Nintendo's upcoming online service that is set to release later this month and is bringing highly requested features like cloud storage and backward compatibility for certain NES titles.

Nintendo didn't release any specific details of what the Direct is going to include, but it's likely that there will be some information on the upcoming Pokemon Let's Go games and the Luigi's Mansion 3DS port. There's also the chance of something entirely new being announced for the platforms, too. After all, Tokyo Game Show 2018 is right around the corner, and Nintendo has steadily been building relationships with many third-party Japanese developers such as Square Enix and Bandai Namco, which opens up plenty of possibilities for new games or ports of existing titles.

While it's disappointing that the previously scheduled Nintendo Direct won't be taking place today, hopefully, everyone affected by the earthquake is okay. Natural disasters are increasingly common, and this isn't the first time that they've had an effect on the games industry. In fact, No Man's Sky developer Hello Games' office was flooded during the game's development, causing a massive loss of progress.

This post will be updated when the new date for the next Nintendo Direct released.

Source: Twitter