Never underestimate the lengths that some people will go to in order to achieve their goals. In this case, after many years of searching, another Nintendo fan has managed to complete the entire Nintendo 64 collection.

Named for its 64-bit processing unit, the Nintendo 64 was released in 1996 as part of the fifth-generation of gaming. It was also the last big home console to use cartridges for video game storage until the Nintendo Switch release over two decades later in 2017. The Nintendo 64 was discontinued in 2002 after its successor, the GameCube, launched in 2001. However, the console, its timeless classics, and other related technology are still out there for the truly dedicated to find, collect, and play.

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In the wake of the new year, Amiibo Jason tweeted that he had finally completed the entire North American Nintendo 64 set after years of tracking down different parts. The collection includes 296 Nintendo 64 titles, some still exclusive to the console, as well as 10 different color variations and special editions. Jason said that most of his collection was acquired through garage sales, flea markets, and trades. Additionally, he notes that the Pokemon Snap Station was salvaged for less than $300.

As Jason's comments show, the quest to complete such a collection isn't as dauntingly expensive as it initially seems. However, Nintendo 64 fans should look to finish this project over time. Realistically, collectors won't be able to find some pieces immediately such as certain title variants and specific coloration without spending a lot of money. However, Jason stated good deals are out there for people to find and considering it took several years to finish his collection, similar opportunities will emerge in time.

But even though Amiibo Jason's Nintendo 64 collection is impressive, it still only features everything released in the North American territory. Out of all the different territories, Japan still has the most region-locked games at 85, with some exclusives such as Animal Forest, the precursor to Animal Crossing, which Jason actually owns as well. On that note, fans and collectors can only hope if a Nintendo 64 Classic console releases in the future that there will be ways to acquire those exclusive titles.

In the end, completing the Nintendo 64 collection is still a huge accomplishment and Amiibo Jason has joined the list of fans who managed to achieve such a feat. But for the players interested in the current generation, Nintendo has other big plans for 2020 including bringing more Wii U ports to the Switch.

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