It's no secret that when Tyler “Ninja” Blevins made the move from Twitch to Mixer, there was a large sum of money involved. Some have tried to guess how much Mixer/Microsoft paid Ninja to stream exclusively on its platform, but no official numbers have been revealed. However, a recent comment by Blevins suggest it is a massive amount.

While playing with Twitch streamer Timthetatman, Ninja is discussing the trolls that end up his games. Among the common comments from these teammates/trolls are disses regarding Fortnite, the move to Mixer, or a lower viewer count compared to when Ninja streamed on Twitch.

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One thing led to another and Ninja's frustrations bubbled up a bit and he fired back and those who want to criticize his business decisions. He may not have the numbers but he wanted to make sure that critics know he definitely has the money. According to Blevins, he has enough to buy a bank and foreclose on a viewer/teammate's house just to get even.

It's definitely an extreme response and one that has been polarizing for people. While many like to see streamers put trolls in their place, gloating about one's earnings is a faux pas in the streaming community.

Many know that the top streamers make a ton of money, and those streamers who signed exclusivity deals with Twitch, or moved to Mixer or Facebook are now millionaires, but there's always the mystique of just how rich these people are. When they gloat it hurts their public image, which for some can hurt their bottom line. Ninja, on the other hand, can apparently walk away from streaming for good and turn out just fine.

Blevins has gone on record to say that the move to Mixer was motivated by a desire to support his family, as well as a freedom to work outside of the confines of a single game. Since jumping from Twitch, Ninja has been able to try out other popular games like Call of Duty: Warzone and Valorant, and although is viewer and subscriber numbers are nowhere close to his Fortnite days on Twitch, he is still set for life.

Nevertheless, as a competitive gamer, Ninja does retort from time to time when a chatter or player makes a comment about his numbers or status. Sometimes he brushes it off and occasionally he fires back like this, but usually it only makes things worse for the streamer. Could he actually buy a bank with his Mixer payment? Probably not. But Ninja is certainly going to live comfortably for the rest of his life and will continue to do just fine playing video games for as long as he wants.

MORE: Ninja Explains How Fortnite Can Become Popular Again