
  • The new update for Nightingale brings crafting improvements, new content, and bug fixes for a better player experience.
  • Inflexion Games aims to cater to both new players and experienced veterans with the second major update to Nightingale.
  • The update adds new guns, NPCs, Bound enemies, and quality of life changes based on player feedback for more engaging gameplay.

Nightingale has received a new update focused on crafting improvements, new content, and various bug fixes across all areas of the game. The second major update to the open world survival game is aimed at new players, as well as experienced Faewild veterans of Nightingale.

The title was released in early access with the aim of fostering a constructive community and obtaining helpful insight into what survival players want in a game. There are multiple gameplay features Nightingale devs can improve in early access using fan feedback. Facing stiff competition, the open world survival crafting niche is quickly becoming saturated with various games releasing one after the other.

One of Nightingale's Best Features Puts It Ahead of the Competition

Nightingale brings a host of unique features to the survival genre, but one of its best is already putting it ahead of the competition.

To that end, Inflexion Games has released update 0.2 for Nightingale. Added to the game are three new guns, which are available during the early game, two NPCs and their associated story lines, and two new types of Bound enemies. Nightingale character Nellie Bly is now fully voiced and those that chose the aggressive path for entering The Watch can now go back to her compatriots and experience new dialogue options.

Along with the new content comes some highly asked-for quality of life changes. The biggest of these is a tweak to Nightingale's crafting system, allowing resources to be pulled directly from storage. A queue mechanic was also added to allow multiple types of items to be made without constantly going back to the crafting station. Also, crafting weapons or tools with resources that have attributes will transfer those stats over to the finished piece of equipment.

Multiple bug fixes were implemented in update 0.2. These include enemies spawning outside a Vault's accessible area, rain not watering plants, text overrunning UI boxes, and silencing the dry fire sound many players heard when using guns. Frankenstein's How Automatons Tick quest will now accept Tier 1 Essence. Nightingale Campfires have been altered to receive no negative traits when built in the open or placed on the ground, like a normal campfire. One of the largest updates was the removal of redundant data and reduction of player file size. Players should no longer experience the "dratted" error due to the size of their save data.

The 0.2 major update adds needed additional content and quests, though it remains to be seen if these story lines are endgame content. With new characters to meet, weapons to try out, and Bound to kill, those that have already pushed through most of the game can find something new to entertain themselves with.

Complete Nightingale Update 0.2 Patch Notes

* = Community requests


  • *Queued crafting
  • *Craft from storage
  • *UI improvements
  • Three new weapons were added and various existing weapon/tool changes
  • Universal dodge added
  • Two new Bound types and changes to existing Lanternhead and Bombardier Bound
  • New NPCs, as well as updated and new quests
  • Performance improvements
  • Adjustments to resource, clothing and weapon attributes - now any attribute can be added to any item in crafting
  • The ability to purchase Essence Trader wares from the Guidebook after discovering them

Game Changes


  • General animation improvements to creatures, player characters, weapons, and tools
  • Updated art for Tomatoes, Carrots, Wheat, Oats, Onions, and Potatoes. Yummy!


  • Nellie Bly is now a fully-voiced character
  • Pain emote sound effect tweaked
  • Adjusted combat music triggers to increase responsiveness


  • Tweaked building costs to make erecting large structures cheaper, and therefore quicker to construct


  • New weapons have been added to the early game:
    • Blunderbuss - a two-handed shotgun that deals ranged area damage
    • Sheath of Throwing Knives - a ranged, projectile weapon that can be held in your offhand alongside other one-handed weapons
    • Grenade Satchel - an explosive projectile that can be used in your offhand alongside other weapons
  • Universal dodge added. This has made some changes to default keybinds (‘CTRL’ = Dodge, ‘C’ = Crouch,‘V’ = Crafting Menu. These can be changed in settings)
  • New Boomerang Special Attack for Sickles
  • New Parry Special Attack for Hunting Knife
  • New Flurry Special Attack for Hammers


  • *Added craft from storage (build from storage will come in a later update)
  • *Added crafting queue to all crafting stations
  • Crafting weapons and tools with unique resources (resources with attributes attached) will now mean that the weapon or tool will inherit those attributes


  • New Bound have been added to the Realms:
    • Aegis - a large Bound that carries two shields
    • Mortar - a slow-moving unit carrying the burden of its weapon on its back
  • Bound Grenadier grenades are now explosive and no longer generate miasma. Additionally, their grenades now have a short fuse instead of exploding immediately on impact
  • Bound Lanternheads now hang back and fire ranged attacks at Realmwalkers
  • Low-level Bound wearing masks or helmets now do more damage
  • Bound minions overall have had their health reduced
  • Creature taunts now cancel if the creature is hit


  • Basic NPC companion commands added. Players can now toggle whether they want their companions to do things such as fight, heal, harvest, and more (most importantly, you can stop them from burning your precious wood). Keep in mind that you'll still have to manually equip the correct tools and give them the correct permissions (such as allowing them to access your chests) for their respective behaviours to function. They also don't need to be your current companion to exhibit these behaviours. We'll be continuing to improve and expand survivor behaviours in the future!
  • New quest NPCs can be found in the Realms: Véronique Albertine Bianchi and Desma Valavani
  • Aurelio’s quests have had minor changes to flow and rewards. Players who have already started the questline will continue to progress through the previous version
  • Players who completed Nellie's Gateway to the Watch quest through the aggressive path are now able to go back and finish Frankenstein's, Ludivine's, and Danu's questlines with new dialogue
  • Bound Dark Weavers have been reworked - players will need to clear tethered Bound before attacking their master
  • Bound Casters now float closer to the ground and their teleport move has been tweaked and refined
  • Various combat improvements for Bound Elite Minions and Bound Minions
  • Re-enabled creature fall damage


  • *Added reclamation option for alloys
  • Coal and sulphur now have a non-zero weight
  • Adjusted and consolidated various attributes for resources (more details in this blog)
  • Removed attributes:
    • Blocking Efficiency (consolidated to ‘Injury Resistance’)
    • Stamina Efficiency
    • Heat Resistance (consolidated to ‘Environmental Resistance’)
    • Cold Resistance (consolidated to ‘Environmental Resistance’)
    • Blight Resistance (consolidated to ‘Environmental Resistance’)
    • Wet Resistance (consolidated to ‘Environmental Resistance’)
    • Strength
    • Fishing
    • Range
  • Removed attributes (such as ‘Strength’ or ‘Fishing’) will now become part of the identity of certain items


  • *Overall UI Optimization: broad aesthetic and functional improvements across all aspects of the UI for better clarity and usability
  • New Throwing Knives HUD action icon
  • New Special Attack HUD action icon for Climbing Picks, Hammer, Sickle, Hunting Knife
  • Updated and added various resources, tools, weapons, and decoration icons (replacing the ol’ wax ‘N’)
  • Added more Help I'm Stuck menu options for players including closest respawn point and nearby current spot


  • Performance improvements across the Realms, particularly in areas with high creature and enemy density. Players should see better performance on their machines as well as our servers
  • Added “Ultra Performance” preset
  • We've increased the number of points of interest found in the Realms, with over a dozen activities (Infestation, Bastille of Intellect, etc) found at new locations
  • Added 'Travel to Respite' option when loading into the game from the main menu
  • Players can now rename their pet beds. So technically speaking, you can name your pets
  • Lowered cooldown for Carnute tree revive near Estate Cairn
  • Carnute should now only revive tree stumps and not other resources or bustables
  • Players will no longer die when they fall through the map, instead, they will teleport to their respawn point
  • Players are now able to purchase recipes, blueprints and resources directly from the Guidebook after they have met the relevant Essence Trader in the Realms
  • [From 0.1.3 Update] Umbrellas have been rebalanced for extended and faster gliding
  • [From 0.1.3 Update] Swimming and rock climbing have also had their stamina requirements significantly reduced allowing for longer traversals

Bug Fixes & Polish

Progression Blockers

  • [April 8] Server-side fix applied to remove redundant data and reduce player file size to prevent players from being unable to resume characters (resulting in ‘dratted’ errors)
  • Fixed various client crashes
  • Fixed various server crashes and hangs that would lead to disconnects


  • Fixed issue where Composite Structures turned invisible after traveling to a Respite Realm
  • Fixed various pieces of clothing from clipping through other items
  • Fixed various environmental art bugs


  • Fixed 'dry fire' sound effect for various guns


  • Campfires no longer have negative traits applied when placed on the ground
  • The makeshift torch recipe changed to give 1 torch instead of 3
  • Some fixes to standalone structure numbers in the building UI displaying incorrectly


  • All merchants now sell required crafting ingredients for the building schematics they sell


  • NPCs in The Watch will no longer occasionally spawn facing odd angles
  • Players can now remove Sasse's quest from their quest log by refusing to tell her what they've found out
  • Frankenstein's quest 'How Automatons Tick' will now accept Tier 1 and above resources
  • Fixed issue where Followers would disappear through portals
  • Fixed one of the climbing picks getting stuck floating in mid-air when equipped to an NPC

Player Character

  • The mottled skin character creation option is now functional. If mottled skin becomes intense and swollen, consult Doctor Frankenstein for treatment (this is not an actual gameplay feature)


  • *Fixed issues where Etched Ingots cannot be added to blueprints
  • *Fixed bug where Animal Fibre could not be refined into Refined Fibre
  • Adjusted refinement time for various items


  • Corrected issues where text overran UI boxes
  • Fixed issue where players leaving voice chats left UI artefact
  • Fixed several text issues
  • Fixed issue where equipped items were transferred to storage when hitting the 'Equivalent' button

Realm Cards

  • Settler Eminent Realm Card now negatively affects plant growth rate in the affected Realm, which means plants will grow faster
  • Settler Eminent card description edited


  • Estate Cairns placed in Non-Abeyance Realms will no longer appear on the map as Respite Points
  • Fixed issue with rain not properly watering plants
  • Fix for resources spawning at your feet when you destroy something with a ranged weapon. They now spawn at the location of the destroyed object
  • Fixed issue where ESC or B Button no longer exited storage or crafting menus
  • Achievements missed because they completed too quickly on start (e.g. ‘Welcome Home’, ‘A Safe Haven’) should now function correctly. Also, missing achievements for completed challenges should now be granted when the player next enters a Realm
  • Automaton Rook will no longer harvest resources in the distance when attacking a player or being hit-reacted
  • Fix for enemies sometimes spawning outside of Forest Vault’s interior

Thank you for your patience and for joining us on this journey!

- The Nightingale Team