The highly-anticipated survival and crafting game Nightingale transports players to a fantasy world heavily influenced by the Victorian era. In this world, which includes a variety of different biomes to explore, you will be tasked with building yourself shelter, crafting tools and weapons, and doing all you can to survive everything the Faewilds have to offer.

In the early stages of the game, once you have selected your starting Abeyence, you'll want to quickly upgrade your tools to enhance your abilities to collect resources and craft higher-quality gear and weapons for your adventures. In order to craft tools that surpass the quality of the base Crude-level equipment at your disposal, you will need to know how to make Straps.

Nightingale: How to Play With Friends

In survival title Nightingale, you have the option to either venture the Faewilds alone or with friends. Here's how to play the game co-op.

How to Find Hide in Nightingale

A Nightingale player collecting Hide from a dead animal

Before you can craft Straps to make better quality tools for your hunting and foraging needs, you will first need to get your hands on the raw materials required to make the leather for them. There are two main ways you can obtain animal hide;

  1. Hunting down wildlife, either predator or prey
  2. Purchasing Hide from an Essence Trader

Hunting down animals for their Hide is generally a basic and easy practice, but you will need a hunting knife in order to harvest the fallen animal for its Hide, bones, and meat. Bear in mind that using tools will gradually wear them out, so ensure that they are adequately repaired before going hunting. Alternatively, Essence Traders will generally have Hide in stock as an essential item you can purchase, and it won't break the bank to get your hands on it.

How to Make Straps in Nightingale

A Nightingale player in the Simple Tanning Station menu crafting Straps

In order to make Straps in Nightingale, you will need to build a Simple Tanning Station, which is best situated inside the shelter you build to avoid any wear-and-tear from exposure to the elements. To build a Simple Tanning Station, you will need 6 Sticks and 10 Plant Fiber, which are easy resources to gather as they are found on the small trees and plants that are plentiful in the surrounding areas, particularly in the Nightingale's Forest and Swamp Abeyences.

Once you have a Simple Tanning Station, you will simply need to approach the station and follow the following steps;

  • Select Straps from the Crafting Menu.
  • Select the Hide you wish to use, or press F to autofill the slot.
  • Click on Craft or press R on your keyboard to begin crafting.

The process takes only 3 seconds to complete, after which the Straps will be added to your inventory or made available at the Tanning Station for you to collect. From there, you can use the Straps to craft any of the Simple Tools by visiting the game's Crafting menu by pressing C, selecting the tool you wish to put together, and clicking on the Craft option.

nightingale cover

Inflexion Games
Survival , Crafting