There is a vast world to explore in the survival and crafting game Nightingale, despite only being in early access since its February 20, 2024, release. With a number of different environments for you to explore, loot, and survive in, the Realmwalker you control will cover a lot of ground on their adventures.

As is the case with most adventure titles, the fast-travel mechanic is a heavily sought-after feature as it enables players to cover great distances instantly, serving as a reward for trekking to landmarks the long way. Inflexion Games doesn't follow the usual quick traversal pattern for a game, which may be considered unusual considering the significant emphasis it places on exploration, so players would benefit from learning how to fast travel in Nightingale.

Nightingale: How to Get Leather

Leather is an essential component to crafting in Nightingale, especially in the early stages of the game. Here is how to get your hands on it.

What is an Estate Cairn in Nightingale?

The Estate Cairn glossary entry in Nightingale

Nightingale veers away from the standard fast-travel systems that are seen in many popular adventure games or RPGs by restricting the destinations to which you can instantly move from one spot to another. At the center of the game's fast-traveling feature is the Estate Cairn, which is an essential resource that all players will encounter and use on their journey in the Faewilds, regardless of if they are playing Nightingale solo or as a member of a party.

Players will be gifted an Estate Cairn card, as cards are a key feature in Nightingale, at the beginning of their adventure as soon as they have made it through the tutorial and selected their Abeyence Realm. It is the first item that gets built at a player's base and serves as a beacon that can not only indicate the positioning of a player's home, but, in some cases, can provide a moderate amount of protection from the creatures that roam the realm. It is through Estate Cairns that players can instantly be transported back to the safety of their shelter, no matter where they are in the world.

How to Fast-Travel in Nightingale

The map in Nightingale showing a player about to travel to their Respite base

Since Estate Cairns are the necessary component to fast-traveling in Nightingale, it is only through those structures that the action can be completed. In fact, the restriction of Estate Cairns as being the only method of immediate transport means that fast-traveling is one-way and can only be completed to a player's home base and not to a random point or landmark on the map.

In order to fast-travel to your Respite in Nightingale, you will simply need to access the game's Map by hitting the M button on your keyboard and hovering your cursor over the Travel To Respite button to the left of the map and under the compass icon. Once you click on this, you are taken straight to your home base at an impressive speed. This will be particularly handy for those collecting resources to craft goods such as Straps, which are essential for those vital tool upgrades that new players will need.

nightingale cover

Inflexion Games
Survival , Crafting