The unforgiving realms of Nightingale are not easy for new Realmwalkers, whether they choose to settle in a desert, a swamp, or a forest. There are many factors to take into account if one wants to have the best base, and they all differ according to the major realm cards the player chooses before opening a portal.

Having the right tools and equipment will make it easier when trying to build a shack in a world that is both oddly familiar and yet so alien. When used right, the tools in the game are game-changers. After crafting their first set of makeshift tools, players can collect more resources and use them to unlock more advanced equipment, which allows for more possibilities. However, crafting certain tools first makes collecting resources much more efficient than others. Here are some tools that players can prioritize.

Nightingale: Best Early-Game Armor To Craft

Being set in an alternate Victorian period, Nightingale has some great fashion. But, which clothes are best for the early game?

6 Simple Mining Pick

Nightingale mining pick

With the Makeshift Mining Pick, players can mine sandstone from large rocks, but not much else. The Simple Mining Pick allows players to gather a wide range of useful resources, such as tin ore, coal, quartz, and many others, with the added bonus of more durability. After the player upgrades from the Makeshift Mining Pick to the Simple Mining Pick, they can go a long while before needing another upgrade.

This tool also enables the player to get through breakable surfaces and walls that are present around various bastilles. The tool is also useful if given to a companion, as they will go around smashing rocks and ores for the player when idle. This proves extremely useful when the player has big plans for buildings and needs to collect more than one type of resource. A companion with a mining pick will collect and place stone blocks into the blueprint, while the player minds their own business getting other resources.

Crafting Recipe

The recipe for this tool is available for players as soon as they build a Simple Workbench, and requires the following materials:

  • 1x Stone Block
  • 1x Wood Bundle
  • 2x Straps

5 Simple Sickle

Nightingale - Beginner Tips Header Image

The Simple Sickle is a marvelous tool. It helps players when harvesting sticks and plant fiber, increasing the yield when compared to what the player can get by picking resources by hand. Sources of plant fiber run out quickly, especially when the player needs a hefty amount of crafting resources. Luckily, a Demon Deer, or Carnute, will stop by to regrow all felled trees and lost wild plants.

Although it is easier to just press "e" and pick every bundle of grass and flowers with their bare hands, players are advised to switch to their Sickle and collect their resources with the right tool, gaining more from each plant.

Crafting Recipe

The recipe for Simple Sickle is also available immediately on the Simple Workbench:

  • 1x Stone Block
  • 1x Wood Bundle
  • 2x Straps

4 Simple Umbrella

Nightingale How to Craft Your First Umbrella

The Simple Umbrella is a vital tool for surviving in the forest and the swamp realms. There will definitely be a hailstorm here sooner or later, which will harm the player until shelter is found. Other than being useful against aerial stoning of nature, the umbrella also plays an important role as an accessory.

The umbrella doesn't just provide weather protection. It also grants a fun way of traversing the land: gliding! Players can glide by jumping off of a ledge and holding space with an umbrella equipped. They can use this method to avoid fall damage while falling from higher structures; for example, when the player needs to get down a Fae Tower and is a little lazy to take the long way down.

Crafting Recipe

Players must buy the recipe for this tool from an Abeyance Essence Trader from an Abeyance Realm. Once they have it, they can craft it on a Simple Workbench with the following items:

  • 1x Wood Bundle
  • 1x Stone Block
  • 1x Hide

3 Simple Climbing Picks

How to Solve Bastille of Intellect Puzzles in Nightingale

Climbing Picks unlock a new way of exploring Nightingale's realms by giving players the ability to climb rocky landscapes. This is especially useful when mining rocks, as plenty of rock deposits are only accessible by climbing.

However, it's important to keep in mind that climbing consumes stamina. Depleting the stamina bar completely will lead to the player falling and possibly taking damage. It's advised to consume stamina-boosting items before attempting a climb, and to climb in small sections so that the stamina bar can recharge.

Crafting Recipe

The player must first buy the recipe for this tool from an Abeyance Essence Trader, then they can craft it on a Simple Workbench.

  • 2x Stone Block
  • 1x Wood Bundle
  • 2x Straps

2 Simple Hunting Knife

A Nightingale player collecting Hide from a dead animal

The primary function of the Hunting Knife is to harvest meat, bones, and hide from any wildlife the player kills. While many tools like axes and mining picks can deal damage and fend off attackers, the hunting knife is ideal for fighting and hunting, especially for players who are just starting out.

The Simple Hunting Knife is fast, deals a decent amount of damage, and is stamina-friendly, which the player can use to dodge out of danger with its second ability if needed. In addition, using the hunting knife for fighting helps keep other tools from getting worn out. Axes and mining picks get a lot of use in the process of building a base, so it's a good idea to preserve their durability.

Crafting Recipe

The recipe for Simple Hunting Knife is immediately available, and it is craftable on a Simple Workbench with the following materials:

  • 1x Stone Block
  • 1x Wood Bundle
  • 2x Straps

1 Simple Slingbow

A Nightingale player aiming their slingbow at a deer

The Sling bow is the first ranged weapon Realmwalkers can unlock, and it's quite useful for beginners. It uses rock marbles as ammo, which are easy to craft on the workbench using small rocks. A critical hit with the sling bow can instantly kill most animals, even from very long distances. Having a ranged weapon also proves extremely useful when the player is low on health and needs to avoid taking damage.

Crafting Recipe

The recipe for this weapon can be bought from an Abeyance Essence Trader, and it can be crafted on a Simple Workbench.

  • 1x Wood Bundle
  • 2x Straps
Nightingale: Which Abeyance Should You Choose First?

Choosing a starting Abeyance realm can make a major difference in the early Nightingale experience. Here's a brief overview of the three main options.

nightingale cover

February 20, 2024
Inflexion Games
Inflexion Games