
  • Don't hoard Tier-1 Essence Dust, it's easily replenished. Save frugality for Tier 2.
  • Buy all permanent recipe cards from Essence Vendors except for resources.
  • Explore Minor Cards system, it's crucial for success in Nightingale.

When players first hop into Nightingale, it's pretty easy to get a bit overwhelmed with all the new information. They're a stranded survivor lost in the Faewilds desperately searching for the only real human-built city out there called 'Nightingale'.

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And, while trying to manage all that, they're also expected to keep themselves fed, rested, well-supplied, and flush with all sorts of tools to defend themselves in a combat scenario. As a result of this, it can be easy for Nightingale players to just decide to 'focus' on one or two aspects of the game and put the rest on the back burner, which makes it easy for them to miss stuff. To try and prevent this scenario from happening, let's go over some of the best tips (and mistakes to avoid) that we've found for beginners in Nightingale to be aware of.

10 Hoarding Tier-1 Essence Dust

You'll Get A Lot More, Don't Worry

Nightingale - Essence Dust On The Ground

First and foremost, players might get into Nightingale, start collecting Essence Dust, and mistakenly assume this is a very precious resource. While technically it is, there are multiple levels of Essence Dust, and this is the lowest tier. Plus, just because the Essence Dust is used for a lot of different things from repairing items to buying from Essence Traders, doesn't mean it can't be replenished easily.

So, don't worry too much about spending Essence to repair tools, buying out all the recipes (or even buying stacks of resources) from Essence Vendors, or using T1 Essence in crafting. Once players get to Tier 2 Essence, however, that's the point where they might want to be a bit more frugal.

9 Not Buying Everything (Except Resources) That Essence Vendors Offer

They're Offering Permanent Recipe Cards

Nightingale - Essence Trader Bought Out

Speaking of Essence Traders, beginners might take a look at their wares (especially the one in their Abeyance Realm after the tutorial) and mistakenly assume that they shouldn't buy everything the Essence Trader is offering right away. While not every single recipe is usually 'essential' all of them are permanent crafting unlocks, so why not just buy them all?

The only category players might want to be a bit careful with is the 'Resources' one, as this is where they can buy an infinite amount of different resources as long as they have the Essence to do so.

8 Ignoring The Minor Cards System

You're Ignoring A Core System of Nightingale

Nightingale - Using Blood Moon Minor Card

The Minor Cards in Nightingale are a major system that the game was obviously designed around. Being able to use items to influence the world around the player is such a cool idea, and there's no shortage of different Minor Card options for players to choose from.

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That said, beginners may find the process of going to the actual location where the Realmic Transmuster is (before learning the recipe to make their own) or may think these buffs aren't that influential. But, that couldn't be more wrong, and if players avoid at the very least trying out this mechanic they'll end up missing out on a lot of what makes Nightingale unique.

7 Assuming All Items Have The Same Rarity & Modifiers

They Don't & Those Modifiers Make A Big Difference

Nightingale - Example Of Two Different Resources With Modifiers

This is something that took a lot of experienced players in Nightingale quite a while to learn themselves, but not every piece of Hide, Meat, or Metal is equal in this game. Make sure to always check the 'Attribute Multipliers' section of any resource they plan to use in crafting, as these multipliers will often be applied to the finished product (not every time though, depending on what they're crafting specifically).

While this system is confusing at first and honestly the devs do need to figure out a way to make resources with different Attribute Modifiers more visually distinct at a glance, having this system in Nightingale makes it so that the hard-earned materials from that difficult monster actually are more useful than a similar material from a basic woodland creature.

6 Misunderstanding The Use Of The Umbrella

It's Not Just For Feeling Like Mary Poppins

Nightingale - Holding Umbrella In The Rain

The umbrella tool in Nightingale has a lot going on. A lot of new players end up finding that free umbrella in the tower of the second Realm in the tutorial section of the game and are satisfied to see that it helps negate fall damage by gently carrying them to the ground like they're Princess Peach or Mary Poppins.

However, this is not all this tool is useful for. The umbrella is also a fantastic tool (especially in the early to mid-game) for avoiding weather effects in Nightingale. It can shield players from the heat in the Desert Realm, keep them dry from rain or hail, and even make exploration a lot more fun when paired alongside a tool with a dodge function, such as the Hunting Knife.

5 Not Knowing About The Game's Headshot Mechanics

And How Satisfying It Feels To Hear The Sound It Makes When You Get A Headshot

Nightingale - Getting A Weakspot Hit

This next tip is absolutely one of the best things in Nightingale, and it's that fantastic feedback and sound the game makes when the player lands a headshot with either a melee or ranged weapon. That metallic noise and the reaction from the enemy make headshots so rewarding in this game, which is perfect since they're so essential to combat in Nightingale.

While players can get through any combat encounter without utilizing headshots at all, it certainly would be a lot easier if they did. So just remember, every enemy has a weak point, and if it's not their head then it should be someone pretty visually obvious, such as the Fabled Automaton Knight's being the orb in their hand.

4 Incorrectly Assuming Tools Aren't Helpful In Combat

At Least In The Early Game, They're Better Than Some Weapons

Nightingale - Using Axe In Combat

Going off of other survival games, people hopping into Nightingale might simply assume that the Makeshift Weapons that they start the game out being able to craft all have their 'assigned functions'. The axe is only useful for cutting trees, the pick for mining ore, the hunting knife for skinning hunted animals, and so on. However, at least in the early (and even to mid) game this isn't the case. Both the Pick and Axe are worthwhile to use in combat and sometimes even better than the weapon the player made specifically for combat.

10 Survival Games Where You Must Use Unconventional Tactics

These survival games differ from the norm as they force players to use unconventional strategies to progress in the games.

While this information hasn't been 100 percent confirmed in-game yet, the general sentiment is that cutting weapons (AKA Axe and Hunting Knife) are better for beasts such as wolves, the Maul or actually crafted weaponry is great against the Bound enemies, and the Pick is good against Automatons (which would make sense). So, just keep this in mind when choosing which gear to upgrade to increase the Gear Power at the Simple Upgrade Bench first.

3 Carrying Everything Yourself

Please Use An NPC Hireling To Carry The Heavier Stuff

Nightingale - Interacting With NPC Follower

This next tip is probably the one that'll have the most beneficial impact on a player's enjoyment of Nightingale overall, at least early on. When players first start out in this game, their carrying capacity is relatively low. After cutting down a few trees or breaking a few rocks, players will find that they'll probably end up over-encumbered. Luckily there are many ways in-game to increase this carrying capacity amount through Infusions or a simple Backpack.

But, by far the best way to carry around all these heavy resources without having to drop them off back at the base every couple of trees is to Recruit an NPC. Players should be introduced to this mechanic naturally by following the main questline Puck assigns, but it took many players way too long to discover that they could actually access their NPC Companion's Inventory, that their carrying capacity was seemingly unlimited, and that NPCs could even add resources they're carrying to a currently 'in-development' structure.

2 Settling Down Too Quickly

Progress The Main Story At Least A Bit Before Building An Extravagant Home

Nightingale How to Increase Carry Capacity

One of the best parts of survival games for a lot of people is the building systems. Depending on the player, they could end up spending most of their time in-game never leaving the home base area as their co-op companions bring them supplies and they steadily and meticulously keep adding to and upgrading the home base. And, while this process is absolutely possible in Nightingale, we wouldn't recommend doing it as soon as access to the Abeyance Realm is gained.

A lot of the best building recipes, convenient recipes, and even aesthetic recipes come from exploring at least a T2 world (though these are more difficult) and buying out the Essence Traders there. If players wait until after they get the recipes for their own Crude Realmic Transmuter and Crude Realm Portals, then they can settle down in the perfect area of their Abeyance Realm and build the perfect home base without having to build the base around the pre-established Realmic Transmuter or near the Fae Portal.

1 Forgetting About Food Buffs

Keep Those Buff Timers Active Always

Nightingale - Example Of Food Buffs

Lastly, let's go over food buffs in Nightingale. Without food buffs from Mixed Plants or Cooked Meat, players would die very quickly and tire out almost immediately. Basically, the game would be a lot more difficult and a lot more tedious. So, remembering to keep those food buffs active is a pretty crucial part of this game, as anyone familiar with a similar system in something like Valheim can attest to.

Thankfully, there are Minor Cards and upgraded Recipes that make these food buffs last a lot longer on average, and the basic food is very easy to make, so it shouldn't be too hard.