
  • Boss enemies in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 are unique in terms of moveset, health, and size, affecting their hitbox and difficulty.
  • Some bosses, like Sartana De Los Muertos and King Jellyfish, have specific vulnerabilities that can be exploited for an advantage in the fight.
  • The Flying Dutchman, Vlad Plasmius, Clockwork, and Shredder are challenging bosses with various powerful attacks and abilities, requiring different strategies for defeating them.

Throughout the brand new story mode featured in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, the player's character will be ambushed by several bosses who all provide a decent challenge to overcome. Every boss enemy is unique though, not just when it comes to their moveset, but also regarding the amount of health they have, and how big they are in size, which can drastically affect their hitbox and how easy they are to attack.

9 Most Innovative Boss Fights In Gaming History

Boss fights can make or break a game, and some games go above and beyond by creating innovative fights.

In truth, the bosses in this game don't exactly escalate in difficulty as the story goes on. Instead, they're all very different in terms of challenge, with some being extremely brutal and unforgiving that appear in the middle, and even near the beginning of the story, so it's always best to stay on guard since there's no predicting how tough a fight is going to be. To make things a little easier, this topic will provide a heads-up on the bosses who have proved to be the hardest, along with a little info on how to go about beating each of them.

6 Sartana De Los Muertos

Uses Fast And Powerful Projectiles To Deal Damage To His Foes

Sartana de los Muertos with his guitar

Sartana is quite a peculiar boss as he doesn't do any of the fighting himself, but instead, summons down projectiles by playing his magical guitar which the player will need to avoid to get close enough to launch an attack on him. These start pretty basic and are fairly straightforward to dodge, but things become a little more tricky when Sartana starts calling down fiery meteorites which are all packed closely together.

Characters who are light on their feet, such as Azula and El Tigre for example, will have a much easier time with this boss, but in the case of heavy fighters, it's best to just try and power through a few of the projectiles to launch some devastating moves on Sartana to finish him quickly.

5 King Jellyfish

Has Lethal Melee Attacks, But His Slam Maneuver Can Leave Him Wide Open

King Jellyfish hovering behind Spongebob

The first boss in the game can be a real roadblock if players try to get a little too aggressive since the King Jellyfish has plenty of close-combat attacks that can deal a significant amount of damage. The best example of this is his zap attack which has a shockingly large range, to the point where it's virtually impossible to avoid if the player is already too close.

Because of how deadly the King Jellyfish is when floating around the edges of the stage, the best way to go about dealing damage is to wait for it to use its giant slam attack where it will be wide open for a quick flurry of punches and kicks. This boss isn't too bad with a little bit of patience, but it can definitely seem pretty intimidating at first.

4 The Flying Dutchman

Darts Across The Stage, Making It Tricky To Pin Him Down

Flying Dutchman scaring Spongebob

The main reason The Flying Dutchman can be so difficult to take down, or even attack in general, is because of how much he enjoys flying around. He has plenty of moves that allow him to lunge across the stage at blistering speeds, which already makes him hard to pin down, but his mobility in the air means that regular and heavy characters are going to have a lot of trouble reaching him.

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2: Best Characters, Ranked

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 features over 20 unique fighters to play as, but these characters are some of the most powerful in the game.

That's not all though, as he even has a few explosive barrels that cover a massive radius, and because of how small the Dutchman's ship is, it means that some characters are just going to have to face the explosives head-on. Having a good recovery is absolutely essential for defeating the Dutchman, not only to get out of the radius of the explosions but also to get close enough to deal any sort of damage to this highly mobile ghostly enemy.

3 Vlad Plasmius

Multi-Hit Sword Combo Can Result In An Early Game Over

Vlad Plasimier

Vlad Plasmius is a late-game boss who has a plethora of attacks in his arsenal, along with a few extra tricks up his sleeve which he will pull out when low on health. By far his most dangerous move, and the one players should always try to avoid when he charges it up, is Vlad's sword combo, which can completely wipe out a character because of how many devastating swings are involved in the attack.

Vlad can also teleport, which he will often do as a last resort after taking too much damage. He also has a lot of health that only adds to the overall difficulty of this encounter, but he's far from impossible to beat. The best strategy is to be as aggressive as possible before jumping away when Vlad starts to ready his sword. This is the most reliable way to whittle down his massive health bar without putting the character at risk of losing any lives.

2 Clockwork

Has A Plethora Of Moves At His Disposal, And His Teleport Can Be A Real Nuisance

Clockwork Boss

Clockwork's moveset is essentially a combination of all the bosses who came before him. Not only does he have the projectiles of Sartana de los Muertos, but he also has the giant sword swings of Vlad Plasmius, along with his teleport ability. Clockwork can dish out a tremendous amount of damage in barely any time at all which makes him very challenging, and the wide range of his spear attacks can easily clear out any characters who get close to him.

The Hardest Boss Fights In Dark Souls History, Ranked

The Dark Souls trilogy, developed by From Software, harbors some of the most dangerous and aggressive boss fights in history.

It's more or less guaranteed that the first encounter is going to be pretty rough, but the key to overcoming Clockwork is simply learning his attack patterns, and where he likes to use certain moves on the stage. For example, if he's been hovering on one side of the stage for a few seconds, it means he's gearing up to throw out his multi-hit combo, which is one of his most damaging attacks. If he's ever hovering in the air, this is an indication that he's going to start dropping some projectiles very soon for the player to dodge. It can take quite a while to get around Clockwork, but after a few retries, he's a lot more manageable.

1 Shredder

Blistering Speed Paired With His Large-Range Attacks And Teleport Making Him The Most Unforgiving Boss


Shredder is such a powerful and intimidating boss that fighting him feels more like playing against a player online who has been maining the character for several years, rather than facing down an AI enemy. In classic Shredder fashion, he is lightning-fast and won't give the player any opportunities to get close to him, and even if they do, he has his trusty shurikens to keep them at bay. He's another boss who also has a teleport ability, but unlike the others where there's a slight windup for it to work, Shredder can activate his immediately and continue with an attack as soon as he pops up on the other side of the stage.

This isn't even mentioning his blades which have a gigantic attack radius and can easily juggle the player's character if they aren't careful. Considering he shows up fairly early in the game, it's surprising just how unforgiving Shredder is as a boss, and he feels a little too powerful for his own good. There's a lot of luck involved with this fight since Shredder's attacks are so random that the player will just need to hope they can manage to avoid them while landing a few attacks of their own. He's a brutal boss who can take more than a few tries to defeat, but then again, no less could be expected from the ruthless leader of the Foot Clan.

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2-1
Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2

November 3, 2023
Ludosity , Fair Play Labs