
  • Some characters in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 are more effective in battle than others, with Aang, Spongebob, Korra, Azula, Nigel, Reptar, and El Tigre being the top-tier characters.
  • Aang has powerful elemental moves but takes time to warm up, Spongebob is strong in the air with large attacks, Korra has mobility and unique moves for a fast-paced playstyle, and Azula excels as a hit-and-run character with lightning speed.
  • Nigel has strange and devastating combos, Reptar is difficult to take down with heavy moves and durability, and El Tigre has endless combos with fast movement and powerful attacks. These characters stand out in their respective strengths and playstyles.

The sequel to the smash-hit fighting game Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is finally here, and it's bringing with it a gigantic cast of fun and vibrant characters to choose from. It's already becoming clear, though, that some characters are much more effective in battle than others, and while it's still worth trying every combatant out since they're all very unique in their own ways, there are definitely a handful who feel like they're destined to be in the top-tier.

The 14 Best Fighting Games For Beginners, Ranked

Fighting games can be pretty intimidating for newcomers to the genre. The following games, however, are a good place to start.

While the Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl games are often compared to the Smash Bros. series, they do tend to be just a little bit faster in their gameplay and put slightly less focus on balancing, which can lead to some characters being absurdly powerful. With that being said, these are the fighters in the game who excel at knocking their opponents off the stage as quickly as possible.

7 Aang

Aang Has Some Pretty Powerful Elemental Moves Up His Sleeve, But He Takes A While To Warm Them Up

Aang's mid-air flame kick in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

Despite his small stature, Aang actually has a lot of heavy-duty moves in his arsenal that, while immensely powerful, can take a few seconds to start up, which is his biggest drawback. If Aang manages to connect his elemental attacks, though, he can deal some considerable damage and even knock someone off the stage in one go if they're weak enough.

His neutral moves are a little weak, but his super helps to make up for this because of how lightning-fast it is to throw out. He also has his water shield that he can propel while in the air, which is also great for dealing some AOE damage to anyone who gets close enough. He might have a few drawbacks, but Aang is still a real force to be reckoned with in a fight.

6 Spongebob

Spongebob Is The All-Rounder Of The Bunch Who Is At His Best While In The Air

SpongeBob flying with his spatula in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

Everyone's favorite sponge from the deep blue sea was actually considered fairly broken upon the release of the first game, and while he's been toned down a lot in the sequel, he still packs quite a punch thanks to his large variety of moves. Spongebob might not be able to control the neutral game as well as some of his peers, but he's a real menace when in the air because of how large his attacks are.

His karate slice and flip kick can catch multiple enemies in the attack if they get close enough, and because it's incredibly hard to punish him after he uses it, it's a great move to throw out to try and weaken opponents. His neutral clap attack, which is a fairly weak but fast flurry of claps, can also rack up some damage very quickly, and though his Super Move is a little awkward to use, he's still a fantastic all-round character who excels in the air.

5 Korra

Korra's Mobility And Unique Moves Make Her An Excellent Character For A Fast-Paced Playstyle

Korra awakening her powers in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

Korra is an incredibly light and mobile character who can dash around the stage like nobody's business, and she can even use her own moves to help propel her across the environment in pretty unique ways. Her primary move, and the one that players should prioritize using to keep their opponents on guard, is her water dash ability, where she will glide towards the enemy to attack them, but what makes this special is that it can actually move through enemies, allowing Korra to pop up behind for an extra attack.

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Her spinning mid-air kick is also a very safe ability that can keep Korra protected while softening up enemies at the same time, and she even has a divekick, which is always seen as an extremely powerful move in a fighting game. Korra's charged attacks are a little underwhelming and hard to land because of their lackluster range, but she's still ideal for anyone looking to try out a fast-paced playstyle.

4 Azula

The Lightning Speed Of Azula Makes Her The Best Hit-And-Run Character In The Entire Game

Azula in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

Azula actually plays fairly similarly to Korra, but there are a few small differences that make her a little more reliable when it comes to dealing sustainable damage. The first thing players will notice when jumping onto a stage with Azula is just how absurdly fast she is. Even just sprinting normally, Azula is able to run from one point of the stage to the other in the blink of an eye, and this makes her amazing as a hit-and-run character who jumps into the fray to score some kills before dipping out again.

She has a lot of devastating moves that she can throw out, some of which include her leg drop, water projectiles, and whirlpool, which can literally suck enemies into its radius, but she even has the ability to electrify opponents too, which can lead to some extremely satisfying kills. She's admittedly a little hard to use effectively, but in the right hands, Azula is absolutely devastating.

3 Nigel

Nigel's Arsenal Of Weird And Whacky Moves Can Make For Some Extremely Easy And Devastating Combos

Nigel from Rugrats in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

Nigel might not seem the most intimidating individual on the surface, but when it comes to Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2, he's undoubtedly one of the best characters in the game because of how unique his abilities are. By far his strongest move that can completely shut down opponents who are getting a little too aggressive is his snap attack, which can instantly send a player off the screen if they've already sustained enough damage.

8 Lesser-Known Fighting Game Archetypes

Everyone knows zoners and grapplers, but fighting games have quite a few unique character archetypes as well.

What makes it especially powerful, though, is the fact that the player can Slime Cancel a move into the snap, meaning Nigel can easily weaken the enemy enough to where they're going to have a really hard time getting back onto the stage after he flings them away. His recovery is pretty unreliable, but when Nigel is actually in the air, he has a few multi-hit neutral moves and quick kicks to finish off his opponents, making him a terrifying character who professional players will no doubt be eyeing up for tournaments.

2 Reptar

With Powerful Heavy Moves, Tons Of Durability, And A Great Recovery, Reptar Is Incredibly Difficult To Take Down

Reptar in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

Reptar is essentially the "heavy" archetype of the game, similar to a Bowser or Ganondorf from Smash, but since the majority of the cast is smaller and more fragile, it makes him almost unstoppable in this game. While he does have a fast fireball attack to damage enemies at a distance, his giant headbutt and tail sweep attacks can cut anyone down to size if they dare to get too close.

He also has a very good recovery, which means that even if someone does manage to somehow throw him off the stage, he can easily make his way back to enact his revenge. Reptar even has a slam attack, which means if the player spots a few opponents all huddled together, all they need to do is fly above them before dropping to the ground to deal a staggering amount of damage. Reptar's slower movement might not be for everyone, but his bulkiness and large-radius attacks help him stand out as the true tank of the game.

1 El Tigre

Because Nearly All Of El Tigre's Attacks Chain Together, He Has An Endless Number Of Combos He Can Unleash

El Tigre in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl 2

For anyone who has played Fox in Smash Bros Melee or has at least seen him being played at a high level, El Tigre feels a lot like him. Similar to that character, he's also incredibly powerful to the point of almost being unfair to play against. El Tigre's speed makes him very easy to combo with, and since he has such a wide array of slashes and spinning attacks, he is able to catch multiple foes in a single string, which can deal a massive amount of damage in mere seconds.

Because of how ridiculously fast the character is, it also makes it hard for opponents to pin him down, especially since his recovery and special moves are also designed to propel him across the stage to safety. As if all this wasn't already enough, El Tigre also has a charge attack that can actually juggle enemies, meaning he literally has the potential to create an infinite combo if the player is fast enough. It's almost impossible to stop El Tigre once he gets going, and it's very likely he's going to be a fan favorite for the online modes.

Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2

November 3, 2023
Ludosity , Fair Play Labs