Throughout the story of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, protagonist Oliver and his pals are tested in their journey to help Oliver save the life of his mother in the real world. And while various monsters stand in their way, the Ni no Kuni game at least gives Oliver and his friends the opportunity to arm themselves with various weapons to give them a fighting chance.

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Given the game’s multiple weapon types that Oliver, the rest of the protagonists, and even their Familiars could equip, just which of these armaments serve their best purpose at the hands of experts such as Oliver and his friends? Moreover, just which weapons are the strongest in the game, and are especially suited for the needs of these protagonists?

10 Oliver: Sky Tree Wand (Wand)

Sky Tree Wand
  • ATK: 88
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: 62
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: -

As a spellcaster-in-training, it makes sense for Wrath of the White Witch protagonist Oliver to prefer Wands as his main weapon of choice in the game. However, when it comes to the “best” Wands that the game would offer, perhaps the Sky Tree Wand would do the trick. Unlockable only after completing Errand 136, the Sky Tree Wand is only craftable when combining the Mirror of Truth and the Old Stick via Alchemy. Described as a holy wand, the Sky Tree Wand comes from an ancient tree with flowers that bloom in multiple colors.

Considered the most powerful Wand in the game, the Sky Tree Wand is technically something that even the Great Sage Marcassin can equip. However, due to the fact that it’s Oliver that has access to the more combat spells in the Ni no Kuni game, the Sky Tree Wand’s bonuses to Magic Attack can greatly benefit the party when the Sky Tree Wand is at the hands of Oliver.

9 Esther: Bard’s Harp (Harp)

Bard's Harp accessed by Esther
  • ATK: 56
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: 56
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: -

When Esther joins Oliver in his journey to save his mother, it’s soon revealed that she is a powerful songstress, capable of using magic through songs in order to produce various effects. What’s more impressive here is that Esther is the one in the party to first learn how to Tame Familiars in the Ni no Kuni game, something that demonstrates her prowess. In turn, an ideal tool in her arsenal is the Bard’s Harp, considered the most powerful Harp in the Ni no Kuni game.

Similar to most Harps in Wrath of the White Witch, players need to craft some of the best Harps through Alchemy. In the case of the Bard’s Harp, players need Alchemy: Formula 132, and ingredients Blossom of the Bard, Kaleidostones (5), and Star Pearls (10). While the Muse’s Harp has 85 Magic Attack, its measly 27 Attack makes it a lesser Harp compared to the more potent and balanced Bard’s Harp.

8 Swaine: Masterthief’s Magnum (Pistol)

Masterthief's Magnum at the hands of Swaine
  • ATK: 30
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: 70
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: -

Despite his nature as a thief, Swaine’s membership in Oliver’s team has proven there’s more to him than his life as a criminal. Preferring the Pistol as his weapon, players of any version of Wrath of the White Witch might notice quite a lot of references to criminal types among the Pistols in the game. Not only that, it’s only Swaine and his trickshots that can open Green Chests that are normally unreachable. In turn, perhaps the best weapon for him to use is the Masterthief’s Magnum, boasting a decent Attack and the most impressive Magic Attack among the guns in the game.

Swaine can only acquire the Masterthief’s Magnum through Alchemy: Recipe 133. This would require him to use Riddle Rivet, a Scroll of Truth, and Ritestones (10). When used properly, this gun easily transforms Swaine into one of the most impressive long-ranged combatants in the game.

7 Marcassin: Astra (Wand)

Astra wielded by the Wizard King
  • ATK: 54
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: 75
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: -

Near the end of the open world Ni no Kuni game, Oliver and his companions will have to face the mysterious Wizard Gallus in the Ivory Tower, seemingly in their preparation for the final stages of the Ni no Kuni experience. When players defeat Gallus, the Wizard gives them Astra, the sister wand of the Mornstar—both of which are considered the Wizard King’s main tools.

Despite its impressive Magic Attack, Astra does have a rather smaller Attack compared to the Sky Tree Wand. Although the description of Astra does state it’s been entrusted to Oliver, the existence of the stronger Sky Tree Wand means Astra may be more fit for the likes of Marcassin, another Sage who can use Wands in the game.

6 Familiar: Primordial Sword (Blade)

Primordial Sword
  • ATK: 90
  • DEF: 10
  • M. ATK: 10
  • M. DEF: 10
  • EVA: 10
  • ACC: 10

Players who want their Familiars to focus on dishing out melee damage while slicing opponents to pieces may rely on Blades compared to other melee weapons. Certain Blades possess better offensive capabilities such as Swords and Longblades, whereas players looking for more power in terms of Magic Attack might want Daggers instead.

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In terms of pure firepower, perhaps Familiars Obtained through Alchemy: Recipe 51, the Primordial Sword can be constructed by combining the Skyfall Sword, Kaleidostones (5), and Troll’s Tears (5). Unlike other Blades, this Sword’s immense Attack coupled with balanced stats on other stats makes it a rather potent weapon at the hands of any melee-intensive Familiar.

5 Familiar: Kiss Of Death (Blade)

The Kiss of Death is a type of Sword, wielded by this Familiar in Wrath of the White Witch
  • ATK: 20
  • DEF: 20
  • M. ATK: 20
  • M. DEF: 20
  • EVA: 20
  • ACC: 20

Sometimes, it’s balanced stats that become more important in a weapon than sheer Attack power, and this is what the Kiss of Death proves in the gameplay of the Ni no Kuni game. Acquired through Smiley and Surly at the Iron Wyvern, the Kiss of Death boasts a decent set of stats that make this a fairly balanced weapon available for almost any Familiar who players want to get up close and personal against enemies.

What’s more impressive about the Kiss of Death’s rather middling stat bonuses is its extra effect, in that it has a 1-percent chance of rendering its target unconscious. Despite its limited chances, the fact that the Kiss of Death can almost guarantee unconsciousness in extended combat can make this a saving grace in tricky combat situations.

4 Familiar: Lullaby Lance (Spear)

Lullaby Lance is associated with the Toko in White Witch
  • ATK: 60
  • DEF: 25
  • M. ATK: 30
  • M. DEF: 25
  • EVA: -50
  • ACC: -

Players who want their Familiars to dominate the mid-to-long-range space in the Ni no Kuni game may want something to “poke” their enemies to oblivion, and such a reliable weapon could come in the form of the Spear. In particular, the Lullaby Lance may be able to do the job at the hands of someone more than willing to take on enemies from the front line.

Acquired through Errand 132 after finishing the main story, finishing this will provide players with the coveted weapon courtesy of Smiley and Surly’s weapon genius. What’s perhaps special about the Lullaby Lance is its 3-percent chance to inflict Sleep on opponents. While its -50 to Evasion seems like a huge setback, a tanky-enough Familiar can compensate with a decent Attack and the opportunity to render opponents useless.

3 Familiar: Ogre King’s Ax (Axes, Hammers)

Ogre King's Ax
  • ATK: 140
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: -
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: -50

Of all melee weapons in the Ni no Kuni game, it’s perhaps Axes that boast the most attack power for equipable weapons for creatures in Wrath of the White Witch. In fact, some Axes like the Ogre King’s Ax have so much attack power that it makes them difficult to hit with, as evidenced by its humongous 140 ATK but -50 ACC. Players can acquire this through Bounty Hunt 124, or through Smiley and Surly at the Iron Wyvern.

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However, just because the Ogre King’s Ax has a rather underwhelming Accuracy debuff doesn’t mean it’s useless. A way to circumvent this unfortunate situation is to equip the Ogre King’s Ax to a Familiar who relies on physically-intensive Tricks instead of base weapon attacks. That way, the Ogre King’s Ax has its ATK bonus applied to damage without risking having to miss the attack in the process.

2 Familiar: Flawed Claws (Claws)

The Flawed Claws are a popular Claw Weapon used by Familiars like the Cerboreas
  • ATK: 99
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: -
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: 44

Familiars who prefer to strike opponents in the Ni no Kuni game with a more direct focus would probably consider using Horns and Claws, with Claws, in particular, sacrificing a bit of attack power for more accurate hits. Ideally, Familiars with already high-enough attack speed or those with Psyche Up commands can maximize the damage output of Claws through sheer speed. This makes a weapon like Flawed Claws rather deadly, as not only does it boast the highest ATK among Claws in the game, it comes with a whopping +44 Accuracy. Players can acquire this through Errand 132.

Of course, alongside this is a rather large setback in the form of 20-percent of all its damage being returned to the user. While this can turn off players from having to use this pair of Claws, players can circumvent this flaw by having healers at the ready or having this equipped to a rather tanky character.

1 Familiar: White Stag’s Antler (Horn)

White Stag's Antler is a Horn popularly used by the Ruff Familiars
  • ATK: 98
  • DEF: -
  • M. ATK: -
  • M. DEF: -
  • EVA: -
  • ACC: -

Sometimes, the best way for Familiars to dish out the pain in the Ni no Kuni game is to use unique weapons, which in this case can come in the form of the White Stag’s Antler. Obtained from either a Hidden Chest in Nazcaa, the Crypt Casino, or stolen from a Petramander, the White Stag’s Antler is a rather straightforward Horn with a high ATK bonus with nary a debuff in sight.

This makes the White Stag’s Antler quite an ideal weapon for a melee Familiar in the gameplay of the Ni no Kuni game. The 98 ATK bonus is among the best not just among Horns but across all weapon Classes, especially when equipped with Familiars who have high enough ATK values to maximize this weapon’s damage capabilities.

Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was released for the Xbox One and Series X/S last September 15, 2022. The game is also available for Switch, PS3, PS4, and PC.

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