In the world of Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds, citizens access an entirely new world through the “Soul Divers” VR game, with players taking on the role of various ordinary characters with dreams and aspirations they hope to achieve in the game. However, as players pursue their dreams in the Ni no Kuni game, they eventually unravel a bigger conspiracy that threatens not only the world of Soul Divers but also Ichi no Kuni - the real world.

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Thankfully, players a bit overwhelmed in this Ni no Kuni title have Familiars to rely upon during their journeys. Equipped with various effects, players can tailor their Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds experience with what their Familiars can offer. However, just which Familiars should players get in the game?



It’s one thing for Cross Worlds players to have high defenses against combat and another for enemies to bypass these defenses through status effects. For fast-paced combat like that in Cross Worlds, being stunned or knocked down can be the reason for a player’s defeat, and Stagthorn ensures this doesn’t happen.

Its Stagthorn’s Heart decreases the damage players take for every Earth Familiar they have while simultaneously boosting the player’s Resist Rates of Impact, Knock Down, Push Back, and Subdue. The Stagthorn shines through its combat abilities to assist Cross Worlds beginners, as Divine Protection not only decreases the player’s damage taken but also reflects the difference in damage taken back to enemies. Lastly, Nature’s Revenge allows the Stagthorn to pull the most distant enemy to itself and then do a rather devastating AOE attack.



Sometimes, the most efficient Familiars come in the form of allies that help players decrease unfavorable situations in Cross Worlds. Such is the case of the Bunnybot, which has the Bunnybot’s Heart that boosts all Elemental Damage for other Attack Familiars equipped. Not only that, but this Skill also reduces the duration of crowd control effects against players. This makes the Bunnybot an efficient substitute to teams without certain Cross Worlds Classes.

Moreover, Rearm grants a shield and also boosts the Resist Rates of Stun, Knock Down, and Subdue while dealing more damage to stunned enemies. Lastly, Absolute Defense allows Bunnybot to create a shield to protect allies and boost the Resist Rate against Elemental Statuses. While not necessarily a total defensive Familiar, Bunnybot certainly rises to the occasion into becoming a reliable ally.



Fans taking on a solo build at Cross Worlds know that damage-over-time effects can be rather worrisome when taking on monsters alone, and Poison is a rather pesky status that can ruin anyone’s day. Thankfully, the Shrimpaler is easily one of the more reliable Familiars to deal with this, particularly with Shrimpaler’s Blessing, that can restore its partner’s HP and debuff Poison effects. It even boosts its player’s Poison Resist, which can become a nifty substitute for defensive Class Passives in Cross Worlds.

Not to mention, Shrimpaler also has Shrimpaler Heal, which restores the HP of an ally Familiar with the lowest HP ratio, while Shrimpaler does basic attacks. Players looking into a straightforward support Familiar would want to grab Shrimpaler, as its skills can also work for team setups.



Players of Cross Worlds aiming for a solo build would prefer having a Familiar that focuses on support instead of hardline attack, and the Splisher suits the job well. This Water-Type Familiar is a great addition to most teams, as it actively helps reduce the cooldown of skills of other Familiars of the same element (Splisher’s Heart).

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Also, the Splisher’s Tiny Prayer can also give a light heal, remove the Burn debuff, and boost Burn Resist. This easily becomes useful for players who want to avoid rather debilitating damage-over-time effects as they dish out their own Cross Worlds Core Abilities. This anti-burn and heal also extends to an ally’s Familiar via Magical Clam, allowing players to boost the survivability of their teammates.



Players looking for a Familiar to augment their straightforward attack style in Cross Worlds will love the Mite, especially for a Fire-based build. This Fire-type Familiar boasts Mite’s Heart, which boosts overall Fire Damage. However, where the Mite shines are its other combat abilities, all of which incentivize an aggressive build such as that of the Swordsman.

For instance, Cross Slash not only deals AOE damage against enemies but also deals extra damage on top of Burn. Lastly, Terrible Slashing gives the Mite’s basic attack an automatic AOE component and periodic Knock-Downs, perfect for that extra defensive “kick” for players who don’t have other crowd control components.



Poison is easily one of the most annoying status effects a player can experience in Cross Worlds, especially since a lot of monsters and skills inflict this debilitating damage-over-time effect. While Classes like the Destroyer can tank through these effects, not all Classes have the same ability. As such, it’s all the more dangerous when players get the means to inflict such a status back to foes, which is where the Oroboros comes in. Its Oroboros’ Heart boosts Earth Damage as it Awakens, which seems rather ordinary enough.

However, where the Oroboros becomes extremely dangerous is through its other abilities. For instance, Spin Attack deals spinning AoE damage while poisoning enemies at the same time. Moreover, Oroboropin is a spinning attack that knocks-up enemies in the air and inflicts Knock Down, allowing players to regroup or attack through their rotations.



While the Hippocampus seems to work best with a Water-based kit at first glance, its abilities work well for a general DPS build in Cross Worlds like that of the Witch. Its Hippocampus’ Heart boosts Elemental Damage for each Water-type Familiar in the player’s arsenal, which incentivizes the more fluid nature of other Water-type Familiars.

More than that, its Watersprout is a decent single-target attack that SIlences an opponent, making it effective against bosses. Lastly, Torrent is an AOE with a pulling effect that boosts damage against Frostbitten enemies, helping players in the frontlines strike more accurately.

Crab O’ Lantern

Crab O Lantern

Players looking for a more defensive take on a Familiar for their Cross Worlds playthrough may want to consider getting the Crab O’ Lantern. Not only does this boost the player’s Critical Resist Rate, but it also lowers the overall damage players take for every Light Familiar or Defense Familiar they have equipped.

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Perhaps where the Crab O’ Lantern truly shines is its Shining Pumpkin, as this will have the Crab temporarily encase the players in gold and endow them with the Gilded status. This effectively stuns the player but also makes them immune to damage while boosting their HP recovery, affording them enough time to escape, heal, or make a surprise upset. Moreover, the Golden Pumpkin Skill allows the Crab to transform up to two distant enemies into pumpkins for at least five seconds, decreasing the enemy’s overall attack power.

Molten Lion

Molten Lion

Sometimes, a persistent ally in Cross Worlds can spell the difference between life or death in risky situations. Players needing a rather durable Familiar would want to give the Molten Lion a shot, as its Fire-based defenses make it a decent aggressive tank. At its core, Molten Lion’s Heart can reduce the Elemental Damage taken by players by as much as 3 percent for each Fire-type Familiar equipped. Meanwhile, Eternal Flame practically transforms the Molten Lion into an immortal, ensuring it doesn’t die but rather gets a heal after granting a bonus to Fire Attack.

Lastly, Final Flame ensures that the Molten Lion gets a Movement and Attack Speed boost during immortality, making it a fierce attacker at low health levels. The tanky nature of the Molten Lion makes it a perfect protector of more fragile Classes such as the Engineer.



Players looking into dominating the player-versus-player component of Cross Worlds would likely want to grab the Arachnes as a go-to Familiar. Her Arachnes’ Heart boosts overall damage dealt to enemy players, incentivizing a toolkit built precisely to engage in PVP, such as the mobile Rogue.

This inclination to player combat is also reflected in the rest of its Skills. For instance, Pierce deals not only high single-target damage but also deals extra damage if the target enemy is a player. Moreover, its Shadow Thorn deals AOE damage to enemies and forces a target to take additional damage if they’re an enemy player.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds was released globally in 2022 for Android, iOS, and PC.

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