Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom – The Prince’s Edition has finally made its way to the Nintendo Switch. Plenty of new players are discovering the fantastical realm for themselves and forging their kingdoms within it. Fighting foes and procuring a party are vital areas of Ni No Kuni, and one element of this is Higgledies. These little feisty friends can be found everywhere – and even made by the player. They assist in combat by healing heroes and can lend a helping hand on the defensive side.

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With their different abilities and types, it is wise to pick Higgeldies carefully. Throughout the journey, players will find many Higgledies with overlapping abilities, so keep an eye on which ones enter the battle. To help with these decisions, here is a list of the top choices for abilities attributed to the Higgledies.

Ability Types

Higgledies have three different types of abilities: passive, command and awakened.

  • Passive abilities remain active during the whole battle, and cannot be controlled by the player.
  • Command abilities are controlled by the player. A circle will appear around a group of Higgledies for the active party member to step into and activate it themselves. These tend to be an effect that covers an area.
  • The final type of ability is awakened. At some point during battles, Lofty will throw a golden ball at the player. Touch this and the party member will become "awakened," allowing Higgledies to provide even more helpful abilities.

10 Better, Better!


Better, Better! is a really good passive skill to have amongst the party's Higgledies’ abilities. This cures all status ailments of allies, which saves a lot of consumables and Gilders.

As this is a passive and innate ability, players don’t need to worry about trying to activate it — it will activate on its own. This ability is not to be confused with the Batter, Batter! buff, which boosts the effectiveness of all Higgledy abilities within the battle.

9 Heal

ni no kuni 2 revenant kingdom higgledies

While there are many abilities for players to test during their playtime, there are none that are as helpful as Heal. As the name suggests, this ability will heal the current team in the middle of a battle. As a command-activated skill, this will need to be enabled by the player.

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Once the player steps into the circle of Higgledies, the skill is activated and it starts to heal all party members' health at the same time. The duration of this spell is not too long, but rest assured it can massively help in a pinch, even if it doesn't fully heal the team.

8 Rock Shock

wind higgledy in ni no kuni 2

Gyre The Flyer, the wind-type Higgledy, holds this skill. Rock Shock is an awakened ability that will affect the current fighter that the player is controlling. Once awakened, this character will be able to use the Rock Shock skill.

This is a significant buff that grants the player the chance to stun enemies while in battle, which can be incredibly helpful. Once stunned, enemies are easier to hit in close combat, and thus easier to beat overall. Roland and Batu are the best choices for using this ability, as their melee strength is high.

7 More, More!

ni no kuni 2 sky pirates

There are two innate abilities here that are very similar: More, More! and More, More More! Both are buffs to Higgledy's existing skills, though one is stronger than the other. These two skills are passive, and are attributed to different Higgledies. If players come across one with More, More More!, it will be a better choice.

The skill adds a slight or significant buff to Higgledy's abilities, no matter what they are. It may not seem like a lot, but having More, More! equipped can enhance any kind of performance on the battlefield — be it defensive, or healing.

6 Sap

higgledies in ni no kuni 2

This is a very interesting ability. The sap is an activated attack skill, meaning that will need to be triggered by the player in combat. Once activated, it has a very impressive power, and is recommended for a good attack build in a team.

Sap can turn enemies briefly to stone. This won't last long, but it can massively hamper any enemies' attacks coming towards the party members, allowing them to properly escape or land some extra blows.

5 Sonic Tonic

ni no kuni 2 battle scene

Sonic Tonic! is a chance ability, meaning it may not work, but there is a significant chance that it will. Sonic Tonic! is also an awakened ability.

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Sonic Tonic! allows the current fighter to emit shockwaves. This can knock down or even stun enemies, providing a good boost and advantage in the middle of a fight. A Higgledy armed with this ability is Runcible the Righteous, a shy character who is one of the party's first acquaintances.

4 Plunge

ni no kuni 2 evan dagger

If Sap sounded interesting, prepare to be amazed. Plunge is an activated attack ability, which has a strange but very helpful skill attached to it.

Once the character of choice has run into the circle of Higgledies, suddenly gravity will be turned upside down, and any enemies on the field will all immediately die to the upturned pull. Again, this is an ability that can gain a great advantage in the middle of a battle. It can truly mess up any foes' plans to take down Evan's fellow party members.

3 Ball, Ball!


This skill can be a sort of two-parter if both are equipped in the Higgledy team. The skill Ball, Ball! will mean that there is more of a chance for enemies to drop a ball if they die in battle. The balls in question can be green, blue, or gold — these refill HP, MP, or Awakens the fighting character, respectively.

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Ball, Ball! can be coupled with Higgle, Piggle!, which means that helpers can be occasionally summoned when a ball is picked up during battle. Both of these abilities are innate, and passive, meaning they come pre-installed on the Higgledy and will not need activating.

2 Sirrah


The Sirrah ability — an activated attack skill that appears in the third slot — is a very helpful one. It is also beneficial to use more than one Higgledy with this ability in a team at once, as this will double the benefits.

Sirrah calls a Higgledy Knight to help on the battlefield. Higgledy Knights are strong, and the skill is consistent with no chance attached to it. The Knights are a powerful partner to have against enemies, and being able to double up with more than one at a time is an added bonus. Also, note that Higgledy Knights don't disappear when a character is awakened. Imagine the damage potential.

1 Crit Hit!


Crit Hit! is a chance skill, and applies to the awakened state of a fighting character. While traversing the lands of Ni No Kuni, the player's party will need all the help they can get, which is why Crit Hit! is recommended.

Crit Hit! gives players the chance to inflict critical hits, which can wipe out enemies easily. Landing these fatal blows deals a lot of damage, and can really amp up the excitement of any fight. Popple the Pure holds this ability, and is a very strong choice of Higgledy due to its normal type.

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