The Thor films have been among the most inventive entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The epic science fantasy tetralogy has been full of surprises through highs and lows. One of the most consistent elements has been, surprisingly, Thor's mischievous brother Loki. Loki has been a crucial element of most of Thor's best moments but was absent from the God of Thunder's latest escapade. Bring him back and give him the spotlight.

Marvel used to get a lot of criticism for their villains. They've got enough all-time heavy hitters to drown out their more forgettable antagonists, but the best still rise to the top. Loki was one of their first successes, and he's remained important to the larger universe. He took on the anti-hero role in Thor 2: The Dark World and his shifting loyalties are endlessly entertaining.

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Loki is rightfully a fan-favorite character


Anyone could take one look at Loki and know he'd be appealing to a lot of people for different reasons. Edgy teenagers love his anti-hero antics. Ladies love his charm, distanced slightly from the hypermasculinity of the other gorgeous men in the cast. He's funnier than most of the other villains. His personality stands out beyond almost every other member of the MCU. A lot of superhero characters feel shackled to their role in the plot. Loki can comfortably shift teams, make wild decisions, and consistently surprise the audience. He was a bitter, scheming villain in his debut, but he was enjoying massive hero moments by the third Thor movie. Fans have seen him in almost every conceivable role, and he nails it every time. There's no limit to his appeal. Loki doesn't have to save the day for fans to love him. He's only expected to make mischief and cause chaos.

Loki's show has been one of Marvel's best current projects

loki db cooper

Someone over at Marvel clearly came to the conclusion that Loki needed a spotlight. He died in Avengers: Infinity War, but evading certain death is his bread and butter. His solo series was a fascinatingly strange beast. It abandoned the story and setting fans were used to seeing the character in and embroiled him in a new universe. It's among the best of Marvel's Disney+ output. These superhero shows and movies need to match the personality they're built around. Ms. Marvel is pop-culture heavy and optimistic. Secret Invasion is paranoid and tired. WandaVision is a heady mixture of fear, grief, and addiction to power. Loki is a story about defying rules, finding purpose, and breaking the stereotypes enforced by one's own actions. It's appropriately distant from the existing MCU, yet still informed by it. Loki fits well enough into a superhero movie, but a deliberately bizarre science-fiction action/comedy is perfect for him.

Loki should be given the lead in a Thor movie to really shine

Loki-God of Mischief from Thor Ragnarok

The brotherly back-and-forth between Thor and Loki always stood out as one of the best parts of the first three Thor movies. Thor: The Dark World, in particular, was largely saved by Loki. That film still routinely sits at the bottom of most MCU fans' lists. Its only saving grace is the third-act scene in which the brothers are forced to work together. Thor: Ragnarok was widely beloved, but Loki's place in it was still a high point. Loki was the antagonist, then the deuteragonist, then a figure of shifting loyalties, then a non-entity. The absence of Loki in Thor: Love and Thunder was one of many unfortunate weaknesses in the widely criticized film. The fourth entry was a mixed bag, but Loki's presence might have helped get it across the finish line. Maybe more is better for the God of Mischief.

Thor is a character who has completed several arcs. Fans have seen him learn to get over himself, accept his responsibilities, find worthiness, and discover who he is multiple times. Loki has enjoyed a character arc or two in his time, but he's still finding himself in his solo series. It's great to still have him around, but it's a shame to lose out on all the brotherly love they could still be experiencing. Thor: Raganarok added so much depth to their relationship, but Loki's death in Infinity War cut that development short. Many decisions made in the Avengers films seemed to undercut those made by directors in other Marvel movies. Bringing Loki back and putting him in the spotlight could solve that.

Critics frequently unpack the narrative of a film with an added rejoinder along the lines of, "Their name may be in the title, but this is a different character's movie." That type of treatment would suit Loki well. A theoretical fifth Thor movie would be the perfect place to finally finish the story of these two distant siblings. They may never find the story behind a fifth entry. Most superheroes are lucky to get three before a reboot. Loki might be the ideal semi-main character for this sequel that could never come.

MORE: Loki: What to Know Before Season 2