With any great success inevitably comes imitation. Nintendo's flagship Pokemon franchise is about as successful as they come, topping the list of highest grossing media franchises in August 2019, and in its wake have come a number of inspired projects. One high profile example is VEWO INTERACTIVE's Nexomon: Extinction, which had its bevy of starters revealed by publisher PQube Games today.

The nine starter Nexomon revealed by PQube Games, and their elemental typings, are: Noki (water), Gekoko (electric), Behilda (ghost), Lume (fire), Masquiti (psychic), Mearn (wind), Trebly (mineral), Mara (plant), and Dinja (normal). The breadth of options is certainly appreciated for long-time fans of Pokemon, which sticks by Grass, Water, and Fire-type starters each generation without fail.

RELATED: Pokemon-Inspired Nexomon: Extinction Confirmed for the Switch

Nexomon: Extinction will start off with "dramatic events" that immediately throw players into action according to today's starter reveal post by PQube Games, so the nine monsters include blurbs about their personalities and quirks to help prospective players "choose your perfect companion" ahead of time. These are just nine among the over 300 unique Nexomon promised by its marketing, which should help the game in its attempt to compete against Pokemon as some have been unenthused by the most recent entries Sword and Shield.

Nexomon is not the only series that has stepped up to the plate to compete with Pokemon's ubiquitous success. Crema's Temtem also takes on the Pokemon formula in the form of an creature-collection MMORPG that was initially a Kickstarter project and is expected to also release on PS4, Switch, and Xbox One in Spring 2021.

There's nothing wrong with competition, as games like Nexomon and Temtem are clearly labors of love by fans of the genre who hope to bring fresh ideas to the table and inspire more creativity in long-time staples like Pokemon. However, there are also some blatant rip offs like Capsmon Adventure out there, ones that simply use Pokemon's assets to make a quick buck on venues like the Microsoft Store through microtransactions.

By the looks of things, Nexomon: Extinction will be a great alternative when compared to titles like Capsmon Adventure. But for those who prefer the tried-and-true gameplay established by Pokemon, Sword and Shield will be receiving its first expansion in the Isle of Armor later this month, and the Crown Tundra will follow sometime after.

Nexomon: Extinction will be available on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One in summer 2020.

MORE: Temtem PS4, Switch, and Xbox One Release Window Revealed

Source: PQube Games