
  • The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom stars Princess Zelda, not Link, with a new gameplay mechanic using the Tri Rod weapon.
  • Zelda can create "echoes" of objects for traversal, combat, and puzzle solving in an art style similar to Link's Awakening.
  • Fans can expect a mostly traditional top-down Zelda adventure with side-scrolling sections, releasing on September 26 for the Nintendo Switch.

Nintendo has announced The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, which will star the titular Princess Zelda as the main character instead of longtime hero Link. Link has been the main protagonist of basically every Legend of Zelda game to date, though many fans have called on Nintendo to put Zelda in the starring role instead.

There were rumors leading up to its reveal that Tears of the Kingdom would feature a playable Princess Zelda, but those claims turned out to be inaccurate. While Tears of the Kingdom did not feature a playable Zelda, the newly-revealed Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom will, and franchise fans will have the chance to play the game later this year.

Do You Prefer Top-Down Legend of Zelda or 3D Open World?

The Legend of Zelda has seen some gameplay changes over the years from a primarily top-down action affair to something truly expansive and open-world.

Releasing September 26 for the Nintendo Switch, The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom flips the tried-and-true Zelda series formula on its head. Instead of Link saving Princess Zelda, Zelda finds herself having to save Link by exploring a Hyrule created in an art style identical to the Link's Awakening Switch remake. Unfortunately, Hyrule is being plagued by mysterious rifts that have been opening up and swallowing its residents whole. Zelda finds herself teaming with a fairy companion named Tri to save Hyrule's people and solve the mystery behind the rifts. Tri gives Zelda the powerful new Tri Rod item to help her on her journey.

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Trailer

Zelda's Tri Rod weapon is in place of Link's classic sword and shield. Zelda's adventure won't see her using the same equipment as Link, but she will still have one of the largest arsenals in series history, if not the largest. That's because Zelda's Tri Rod lets her create "echoes" of objects she finds on her adventures. These echoes can then be used for traversal, puzzle solving, and even combat, with various examples given in the Echoes of Wisdom reveal trailer.

For instance, Zelda's Tri Rod can be used to create tables, which can then be used as platforms to reach higher areas. Beds, water blocks, and rocks were other examples given in the latter, with the latter used to throw at enemies. Classic Zelda series enemies can also be cloned with echoes, with Zelda able to send them out to fight, almost like Pokemon. This wildly innovative new gameplay mechanic will help Zelda on what will otherwise be a mostly traditional top-down Zelda adventure, though there are also side-scrolling sections like the ones seen in Link's Awakening.

While some Zelda fans will no doubt be disappointed that the long-rumored Switch ports for Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD still haven't been announced, others will be thrilled at the prospect of this new adventure where Zelda is in the starring role. Needless to say, Zelda fans will want to mark September 26 on their calendars.