Strands has yet another challenging puzzle today. In the 6x8 grid of seemingly random letters, you can find eight themed words including one themed Spangram that must touch two opposite sides of the grid.

Today's puzzle is challenging enough that some players might be looking for a helpful hint or two. This article is designed for you; in it, you can find general hints, spoilers, and the full answer to today's puzzle. As long as you already know how to play Strands, you can find everything you need to solve this puzzle game in the sections below.

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The NYT Games Strands Puzzle #104 for June 15, 2024


The Strands puzzle for today has eight words to find: one Spangram and seven themed words. The clue for today is Deep Dive.

New York Times Games Strands Clues

Below, you can find some general hints that won't spoil any of the words in the puzzle, unlike the in-game hint system. Each section contains just one individual clue for this mobile-friendly puzzle game.

General Hint 1

General Hint 2

General Hint 3

Spoilers for Two of the Words in Today's Strands

If a spoiler or two would help with this challenging puzzle game, you can find two of the words from the solution in the sections below. Click the Read More button below the sections to see just one word at a time.

Spoiler 1

Spoiler 2

The Answer to Today's New York Times Games Strands

The complete answer for this Strands puzzle is in the expandable section below. Inside, you will see all the words in this puzzle as well as their positions in the letter grid.

Today's Strands Explained

Need an explanation for today's New York Times GamesStrands? The section below details how the themed words and clue make sense together.

Want to play? Check out the New York Times Games Strands website available on almost any device with a browser.

new your times strands

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March 4, 2024
The New York Times Company