In October 2022, New World received the Brimstone Sands update that aimed to solve a significant number of problems players were complaining about. In addition, the shining star of the release was the introduction of the Brimstone Sands Zone. It's one of the largest areas in Aeternum, coming in at more than two and a half times as big as Everfall.

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Within this new zone, players will have the opportunity to unlock a significant amount of new story content, furthering their game experience in New World. Within this new territory, players will come across the corrupted 19th Legion of the Roman Empire, whose members are on a quest for redemption and a renewed empire. With this vast new area to explore and conquer, players will need all the help they can get. Following these tips will make things much easier.

7 Have Gear Leveled Over 600

player information screen in New World

When the player reaches level 60, which is the recommended level for the Brimstone Sands Zone, their gear will all ideally be at a level of 500 each. However, before entering this area, they'll want to raise this gear score even higher.

Aiming for a score of at least 600 is the best game plan. In combination with expertise in play style, scores like this will better enable the player to get legendary drops. Legendaries offer the player three perks as opposed to the two they get with Epics.

6 Unlock The Heartgem Runes

a battle in New World

Once the player enters the Brimstone Sands Zone, their first focus will need to be on the main story quest. They'll need to progress along until they reach the side quest "Secrets of the Heartgem." At this point, they can unlock the Heartgem Runes, which are new with the update.

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Having this unlocked allows the player to essentially add an ultimate active ability. However, they will have to progressively upgrade the Runes, as they are not very powerful at their base levels.

5 Upgrade Critical Trade Skills

a battle in New World

The player will need to upgrade two critical trade skills before setting out into the Brimstone Sands Zone. Weaponsmithing and Stonecutting will need to be raised to at least 180. They'll both be needed for crafting Heartgem Runes and Runeglass Gems.

For example, to make the actual Runeglass Case component, the player will need Weaponsmithing at 180. To put their Runeglass Gem's ingredients all together during crafting, they'll need their Stonecutting at a minimum of 180. These Runes and Gems can be very powerful assets to have in the player's arsenal, so they'll want to ensure they have the capability of manipulating them.

4 Farm Brimstone As Often As Possible

Brimstone Sands Zone in New World

A new material that became available with this update was Brimstone. The player can mine it to get sulfur chunks. Five of these chunks can be used to make one piece of sulfur. This new material is essential for crafting, and they will want to mine it as often as possible.

It is a primary ingredient for both Heartgem Runes and Runeglass Gems. Additionally, it can be used in creating potions and ancient coatings, but the initial focus should be on stocking up for the new item creation. They'll find Brimstone in areas around acid pools but will need to watch out for mobs that will be in the vicinity.

3 Don't Forget The Fast Travel Points

Brimstone Sands Zone in New World

As the player travels throughout Brimstone Sands, they'll want to ensure they pick up all the fast-travel points. Whenever they are close to one, they should make it a point to deviate off their path toward it, whether simply exploring or following the main story quest, to ensure they get all the points.

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Doing this will enable them to travel quickly back and forth across the zone when they come back through. Because the Brimstone Sands is so vast, the player will be able to traverse it much easier, choosing a direct path to their destination instead of fighting their way back through the zone.

2 Do The Side Quests

Brimstone Sands Zone in New World

While following the main story quest, the player will find side quests that are generally in the same area or direction they were already traveling. These quests are very important and should be completed whenever possible. They offer excellent rewards and offer the player a deeper look into the lore of some of Brimstone Sands' characters and areas.

Rewards range from Runeglasses to Umbral Shards. They'll stack up on items used in crafting Runeglasses and Heartgems, allowing them to get ahead of the game when it comes to getting these new items.

1 Collect New Materials

Brimstone Sands Zone in New World

With the addition of the new zone came new materials. The player can now collect things like cactus and sandstone in addition to old favorites like herbs and silkweed. As they're exploring Brimstone Sands, they'll need to pick up as much of the new materials as possible as they'll be needed for crafting.

In addition, another new item was introduced called the Wooden Coin. It's not restricted to Brimstone Sands but is essential for crafting the new Heartgems and Runeglasses. The player can find these in elite zones in Elite Chests.

New World is available now on PC.

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