In New World, players must build up their defenses, create weapons, and prepare for the possibility of war. New World players can join factions and create their own companies, then declare war on others to claim their resources. But players will have to do a few things before they can hope to win a battle against any of their neighbors.

Declaring War in New World


To take control of other territories on the map, Companies have to declare war on conflicted locations. In order for an area to be in conflict, an opposing faction will have to complete PVP missions in the area to raise their own influence. When two factions head to war, one Company from each faction will be chosen through a lottery system to be Vanguard. The more active a Company is in an area, the more likely they are to be chosen. After that, the Governor of the Vanguard Company can choose 50 players to take on the opposing faction in New World PvP combat.

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How War Works in New World


The War will take place at a time of the defending Company's choosing. The defending army must successfully defend their Fort or the offensive army must overtake the Fort for the War to come to an end. Offensive players can build siege weapons to help overtake defensive builds on Forts like Ballistas and Repeater Turrets. Offensive materials for war are purchased with Battle Tokens they earn for starting the war, and defensive structures are built and upgraded with Town Projects in New World.

Ending a War in New World


In order to begin attacking the gates of the defending team in New World, the offensive Vanguard will have to overtake three rally points. After that, they can take on the Fort itself and attempt to Claim it for their team and win. Defensive teams win when the Vanguard no longer have the man power to continue to attempt to overtake the rally points or the Fort.

Once a winner is chosen, players are teleported off of the battlefield to continue their adventures in Aeternum.

Siege Equipment and Traps


Both the defending and offensive teams have access to traps to lay for the other team's warriors, and it would be a big mistake in New World not to utilize them.

  • Inferno Mine - Ground mines that flood the battlefield with fire
  • Powder Keg - Very destructive bomb with a long detonation time

Attacking players have access to Siege Platforms to help capture rally points and break down Fort Gates.

  • Cannon Platform - Deals damage to structures with a slow rate of fire
  • Fire Launcher Platform - A flame thrower
  • Repeater Platform - Rapid fire, mobile weapon

Defenders also have Siege Weapons to help keep the offensive team from overwhelming their rally points and gates.

  • Ballista - Defender's version of the cannon
  • Explosive Cannon - Designed to stop incoming groups of enemies
  • Repeater Turret - Defender's version of the Repeater Platform
  • Fire Dropper - Pours boiling liquids on enemies from above
  • Horn of Resilience - Heals friendly targets for a short time

New World is available for PC.

MORE: New World: Unsolved Mysteries Quest Guide

Source:, Wiki