The crafting mechanics in video games need to have a balance between satisfying complexity and a steady learning curve to be considered fun by most players. However, just getting familiar with even a moderately complex crafting system can be a bit daunting at first, which is why it can be helpful to look at each component one at a time, such as in New World.

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New World, an expansive MMORPG set in a fantasy setting, offers players the chance to become skilled in any kind of crafting that they desire, including weaving and working with the finest fabrics to create armor, furnishings, and much more. There are many bits of equipment that players can make, and the ones that can be crafted at the highest tiers can allow gamers to feel truly powerful as well as look the part.

Those new to this title should keep in mind that every refining and crafting skill connects to a few others, so players will need to level up a group of skills in order to become proficient in making the best products. To create Tier 4 and Tier 5 items in the Weaving section of this game's refining system, gamers will need materials called Silk and Infused Silk, which can be crafted by one's own hands at a specific refining station, possibly looted, or bought.

Updated on October 21, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman:Out of all the skills in the game, Armoring is one of those that needs the most cloth, therefore those who have done a lot of Weaving could consider becoming an armor-maker if they don't mind leveling up a new skill.

Alternatively, those who are only interested in Armoring and don't want much to do with refining (or gathering) can buy the refined materials instead of crafting them. Thankfully, New World is a game that lets players do things as they see fit so that all can prosper due to the handy market system.

How To Craft Silk

player looking at the crafting component requirements for silk.

Crafting Components & Refining Process For Silk

As players will be able to see in one of the game's menus, Silk has some important requirements. The most crucial of which are the components needed: 4 Silk Threads and 2 Sateen for each piece of Silk. However, players will also need a Weaving skill level of 100 or higher and have access to a Tier 3 Loom.

How To Get Silk Threads

Silk Threads can be harvested from Silkweed plants by using a Sickle. Silkweed plants are tall and light green with light purple flowers which should be easy enough to spot since they rise above the grass by a fair margin. Players should be able to find tons of Silkweed plants to harvest north of Mourningdale, though should not venture there unless one is ready to take on enemies who are usually between levels 40 to 45.

How To Get Sateen

Sateen is a Tier 3 cloth that is made from Linen (a Tier 1 cloth) and Solvent at an appropriate Loom. The Linen needs to be made from Fibers, which are harvested from the abundantly found Hemp plants, however, Solvent can only be found from looting containers found around the world.

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Where To Find Looms

Looms can be found in settlements such as cities as well as towns and can be sought out easier if one looks for their icon on the map. The icon that marks the location of a Loom looks like a small house with vertical lines inside that are meant to represent the threads of the various fabrics that can be crafted there.

How To Raise The Weaving Skill

One's Weaving skill will increase the more the player works with cloth and creates items such as armor and furnishings. Some level-grinding is possible by continuously refining lower-tier materials and items, plus, players can also sell those goods for some profit.

Alternatively, players could focus on gathering higher-tier resources while they are underleveled by sneaking into tougher regions, though this can be a big gamble as the proportionately more powerful foes there will not hold back. Also, one's Harvesting and Tracking skills may not even be high enough to perform this trick, so be wary before trying it.

How To Craft Infused Silk

player looking at the crafting components for infused silk.

Crafting Components & Refining Process For Infused Silk

Appropriately, refining Infused Silk is quite similar to refining regular Silk, in that it needs similar crafting components and requires a nearly identical process, albeit at a higher level. For every piece of Infused Silk, the player will need 4 Wirefiber and 2 Silk to refine the desired cloth at a Tier 4 Loom. Furthermore, players will need to have a Weaving Skill of at least 150 to craft Infused Silk in this manner.

How To Get Wirefiber

To obtain this resource from the plants bearing the same name, one will have to venture far into the northwestern part of the map. These Wirefiber plants look much like Silkweed but have reddish-brown flowers instead of light purple ones. Up on Shattered Mountain, around the lake in this region's northwestern section, one will find arguably the best spot for Wirefiber plant spawns. Be warned, however, that this location is full of very high-level enemies which clearly indicate this as a place where new players should not explore yet.

RELATED: New World: All Gathering Skills & How To Level Them

Additional Tips For Harvesting & Tracking Resources

All players also have Harvesting and Tracking skills, which need to be above a certain threshold in order for players to get what they need from the bounty of nature. Explorers will need a Harvesting skill of 250 as well as a Tracking skill of 300 in order to find and collect Wirefiber from their eponymous plants.

What To Do With Silk & Infused Silk

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Not all armor uses cloth, but much of the lighter variety does. Leather apparel is often what needs the most cloth for crafting recipes. If players don't want to do any Weaving, they can usually hit up a market to buy a ton of Silk or Infused Silk from players who have an overabundance of the resource.

Where To Use Silk & Infused Silk

Armoring can be done at Forges found mostly in settlements. In the menu, while interacting with a Forge, players can take a look at the crafting ingredients needed for specific items. Thankfully, the game allows players to see exactly what they need for particular bits of gear, so aspiring armorers can plan accordingly.

Selling Silk & Infused Silk

Players with an abundance of Silk and Infused Silk can sell them to others, as mentioned above, though, players should keep in mind that the market value for such goods can be quite low. These materials are relatively low-tier, so won't initially be worth much. Additionally, many players who are also into Weaving will likely have thought about the same thing and can sometimes flood the market with these materials, making their value drop even more. However, to gain a few coins, it can be worth trying to sell some Silk and Infused Silk.

New World is available on Microsoft Windows.

MORE: New World: How To Get Hemp & Fibers