MMORPGs are a stalwart and consistently popular genre of games. With some of the longest-running and most well-known titles falling under the heading of an MMORPG, it's undoubtedly a type of gaming that garners a lot of attention from fans. With games like World of Warcraft setting a lot of the standards for how these titles function, many MMORPGs follow similar structures and feature the same core mechanics. When newer games like New World are launched, they inevitably borrow a lot of the aspects from titles that came before them, especially when those elements have proved endurably popular with players.

However, if more recent games like New World want to stand the test of time, they can't just be carbon copies of their predecessors. They need to shake things up, find new ways of doing things, and keep familiar elements fresh and interesting in order to keep players' attention. With the inclusion of key elements like PvP and PvE combat, experience-based character progression, and the addition of roles and classes, New World ticks a lot of the classic MMORPG boxes. One particular element that has come under scrutiny is how New World has utilized guilds – a fan-favorite aspect of any MMORPG.

FEATURED: The Rise and Fall of New World

How Guilds Work In New World


First, New World has tried to distinguish its guilds from other similar games by calling them "Companies." Although they may have slight differences, New World's Companies function much the same way as a standard guild system, with players able to band together under one banner if they want. However, the choice isn't as flexible as gamers might initially think. After completing Commitment to the Cause (a section of the game's main story), players will choose one of three New World factions to belong to. These are Syndicate, Covenant, and Marauders — groups that have their own ideals, as well as faction-specific items and quests, but otherwise the differences are fairly minimal.

Players are able to change factions after 120 days, but their choice affects which New World Companies will be available to them. There are also options for gamers to create their own Companies, with plenty of customizations available if they want to pursue that path. Territories that factions control can change constantly throughout the game as their forts are overrun by enemy players and vice versa. Companies can declare war on one of the twelve territories that make up the island of Aetereum, as well as engage in their specific faction missions, meaning that the faction and Company a player is aligned to can shape their playing experience significantly.

Comparing New World's Guilds To Other Games

world of warcraft guild leader 8 years descendants of draenor

World of Warcraft has been the point of reference for MMORPGs for almost two decades now, so it's all too easy to compare other titles in the genre to this video game giant. In general, guilds in MMORPGs not only create a social dimension to gameplay but also make elements like raids and quests easier and potentially more rewarding. Like World of Warcraft, the Companies in New World lead to new items, specific opportunities, and added socialization. Similar to other MMORPGs, Companies are player-run, meaning that although this can come with a lot of flexibility, the success or viability of a guild or Company is mostly in the hands of gamers.

Picking a guild has a lot of influence on a player's experience with a game like New World, Final Fantasy XIV, or World of Warcraft. It's important that whatever a player chooses corresponds with how they want to play the game and the ideals they think their character would have. In addition to affecting their character, a popular aspect of guilds in most MMORPGs is undertaking raids together, but this doesn't appear to be the main focus for New World.

With Companies and factions fighting it out over territory and waging wars, PvP appears to be more of a priority, and the game suffers from a lack of large-scale raids and interesting PvE features. As these are some of the most praised aspects of other MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, this might be a point against New World for many players.

While the faction system and the network of Companies in New World may be flawed, the PvP elements do feel fresh and interesting in comparison to other games in the genre. With both traditional elements of MMORPG guilds and newer ideas combined within the fabric of New World's Companies, the game is at least trying to bring something new to the table.

New World is available now on PC.

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