Those seeking to create the most powerful magical weapons, potions, and more in New World will need to increase their Arcana skill level to work with the highest-tier materials. However, not only will arcanists need to work with ethereal materials like motes and wisps, but also more common ones like metal, wood, and much more.

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Since Arcana is such a broad skill, it's best for players to decide what they want to do with their arcane prowess before delving too far into this branch of New World's gameplay. Specializing in making staves, magical armor and weaponry, or even simply focusing on upgrading motes all the way to quintessences can be valid ways of using Arcana.

Where To Level-Up The Arcana Skill

new world arcane repository

Players can perform all their Arcana needs at a type of workstation called an Arcane Repository. These can be found inside of settlements and will vary in tier from location to location. Higher-tier Arcane Repositories are needed for higher-tier magical items, therefore players will need to either seek one out or increase the tier of the designated Arcane Repository in one's favorite settlement for crafting.

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The way to increase the tier of the Arcane Repository workstation, as well as all other workstations, is to do the Town Project called "Upgrade Settlement", which will likely take a lot of resources due to them being designed as communal tasks for many gamers to work on together.

How To Level-Up Arcana Quickly

new world common focus potion and air wisp

General Level-Grinding Tips

Since there are so many different types of crafting possibilities at Arcane Repositories, it can be difficult to gauge which items would be best to craft for optimal Arcana XP while minimally draining one of various materials. Like with other crafting ventures, lower-tier items are better to craft for XP due to them costing less material and yielding proportionately more XP compared to more material-expensive products.

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Common Focus Potion

One great example of this cheap and easy crafting method is to make a ton of Common Focus Potions. While it can be slightly useful for magically offensive characters, it's not really worth hanging onto due to being outperformed by many other buffs that are easier to acquire. The only reason to make Common Focus Potions is that they are very cheap to make and grant a decent amount of Arcana XP per result (24 Arcana XP per potion).

Common Focus Potions only need Water Motes and actual water to be crafted. Water Motes are easy enough to come by in some areas, so take note of where some spawn while adventuring to locate a nice farming spot. As for collecting water, players only need to head to any river or lake and scoop some out in a bucket.

Wisps Of Any Kind

Wisps are even cheaper to craft, and only need motes of the designated variety. For example, to craft Air Wisps, players will need Air Motes, just as crafting Fire Wisps will need Fire Motes, and so on. Each wisp created will yield 15 Arcana XP, which, when done in bulk, can net a nice amount. Since this leveling method works with any kind of mote, players are free to farm the most easily available kind and make use of them to produce wisps, and then essences, and then quintessences for even more Arcana XP.

What Are Reagents & How To Use Them

new world reagents

Reagents are a type of magical material that is a bit more complicated than other resources. They have different criteria on each item, which classifies them awkwardly, though, thankfully, the crafting menu in Arcane Repositories will show any usable reagents in the designated slot of any given crafting recipe.

There are 3 different criteria for a reagent:

  • Type: this determines whether a reagent is offensive, defensive, etc.
  • Elemental Type: this determines what element the reagent is connected to (Life, Death, etc.)
  • Tier: this determines the tier of the reagent and therefore the tier of the item crafted with it

New World is available on Microsoft Windows.

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