A new clip for The Batman has premiered, showcasing a proper first look at Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth. The footage depicts a tense argument between Alfred and Bruce Wayne as they fight over if being Batman is good for Bruce's life, and if that matters at all.

The Batman clip begins with Alfred stating he's invited some Wayne Enterprises accountants over to the mansion for breakfast. This outrages Bruce, who wants no part of the Wayne lifestyle and only wants to spend his life as Batman. Alfred is discouraged by this, stating Bruce's vigilantism will destroy the Wayne legacy.

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Bruce then argues that crime-fighting is the only way to honor his parents, and if he fails to make Gotham City better, he's better off dead. Alfred then says that's what he's afraid of, as he never wants to bury another Wayne. Bruce then gives Alfred the cutting remark of, "Stop it, you're not my father," to which Alfred solemnly replies, "I'm well aware." The clip was shown during a segment on Good Morning America, where Serkis was promoting the film.

This is a very different portrayal of the relationship than the dynamic seen in other film incarnations. Similar to the comic Batman: Earth One and the television series Gotham, Alfred is a much more active force in Bruce's life, having previously been Thomas Wayne's bodyguard. He is the father figure and voice of reason that Bruce desperately needs, even if at this point, Bruce takes him for granted.

The Bruce Wayne of The Batman is young, volatile, and dangerous. His nights as Batman are like a drug addiction, chipping away at everything else. And yes, Batman is absolutely something that Gotham City needs, but currently Bruce has more in common with Darth Vader than a symbol of justice. If he's going to become a true hero, Bruce clearly has a lot of responsibility to learn, and repairing his life with Alfred is the first step.

This is all very compelling drama that has never really been tapped into in a Batman film before. By diving into a full character study of Bruce Wayne, The Batman could have the most interesting story and character arc he's ever had.

The Batman will release in theaters on March 4th, 2022.

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Source: Good Morning America