Telltale's hugely popular choice-based narrative games spawned many iterations, and its team up with Gearbox's Borderlands franchise was one of the more memorable in the history of the series. Telltale may not be in charge this time around, but New Tales from the Borderlands seems like it will contain a lot of the charm from the original, as well as adding in its own unique features. With the imminent release of New Tales from the Borderlands this week, fans have been looking back at Tales from the Borderlands and seeing what they'd like to see return, and more importantly, what they wouldn't want back.

The previous game's humor, engaging quests, and unmistakable Borderlands feel will hopefully all be elements that New Tales from the Borderlands embraces. But there is one major aspect that fans hope doesn't make it across into the new entry, and that is the ambiguity of its ending. Players will remember the wild ride that Fiona and Rhys went on across Tales from the Borderlands' five episodes, but while Rhys will be making a comeback in New Tales from the Borderlands, Fiona's fate is still in question.

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Keeping Players Hanging After Tales From The Borderlands


Over the course of the different installments in Tales from the Borderlands, players got incredibly invested in the lives and fortunes of the protagonists. Rhys' journey from self-centered corporate stooge to slightly less selfish adventurer, and Fiona's growth from fledgling con artist to more capable trickster showed their development across the episodes while pulling players in with their crazy shenanigans. They were the two characters at the center of Tales from the Borderlands' story, and along with their colorful companions, they helped drive the plot, which was why it was so disappointing that the ending was so ambiguous.

While some gamers loved the fact that there wasn't a definitive answer to how the two reluctant friends ended their journey as they stepped into the Vault, the fact that it hasn't been properly addressed since, or that it won't be addressed in New Tales from the Borderlands, is a little frustrating for many fans of the series. There's no closure, particularly for Fiona who won't even appear in the upcoming game. Rhys, at least, will make an appearance even if he won't be a playable character, so players will likely receive answers to some of their questions, but Fiona's fate is still very much a mystery.

How New Tales From The Borderlands Can Improve


New Tales from the Borderlands will definitely be different from its predecessor, not just in terms of its playable characters and story, but also for its setting and new gameplay features like the fun Vaultlanders figurines. On the surface, the new game looks like it fits in perfectly with Tales from the Borderlands' aesthetic and general vibe, which is good news for fans of the first title. However, having a similar ending might not sit well with players, as Tales from the Borderlands felt like an unfinished story.

Many are hoping that New Tales from the Borderlands has as compelling and entertaining a narrative as the first game with missions that are just as fun, while still managing to wrap up the characters' stories without ending on another cliffhanger. This might work if there's another game in the works, but sometimes it can be much more satisfying to have the majority of questions answered within the space of the game rather than relying on a continuation of the series.

New Tales from the Borderlands is available October 21 for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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