One of the joys in modern gaming is the new and free updates that some developers add to their games in order to get players to come back to them and experience the same digital world from a novel perspective.

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In the New Pokemon Snap, photographers can hop back into the NEO-One, which, will now have another cool feature that researchers can use to get the best shots, albeit from unexpected points of view. Unlocking this new function is very easy and will take no time at all to do if players are up for more photographic adventures.

Updated on September 21, 2021, by Reyadh Rahaman:After gaining the function to shrink the NEO-One in New Pokemon Snap, players will be able to get shots of Pokemon appearing much bigger than before, which will offer new kinds of photographic opportunities for one's albums as well as another way to gain points on a course.

There are a few Pokemon that can give one great four-star photos in the hidden routes unlocked by shrinking, so be on the lookout for these picturesque chances! It may take a few tries to get the best shots, but with a game that looks this nice, that's not necessarily a bad thing.

How To Unlock The Shrinking Feature For The Neo-One

player finding the secret path to use the neo-one's shrinking feature.

How To Get The New Update On The Switch

Without having to go out of one's way at all, players will get notified of the recent update automatically as one starts up the game. After a few messages going over the additions of the recent update, players can get started with some new research treks into both familiar and new locations.

How To Unlock The Shrinking Feature

Select "Research" from the main menu and players will be greeted with a special cutscene where Phil, Todd's energetic apprentice, will fill the player in on a secret new function of the NEO-One: that it can now compress in size, similar to how a Pokemon uses the move Minimize, and enter much smaller passages. There is nothing else needed to unlock the feature, and photographers can now use it anytime they spot a tiny crevice or nook that they would like to investigate.

How To Use The Shrinking Feature

At Phil's recommendation, players can follow his hint and explore Florio Nature Park (Day) to locate a tree with a hole in the bottom, where one can open up a new path. As one traverses Florio Nature Park, be sure to look to the left as the NEO-One reaches the part of the course where there is an open body of water on the right with many Swanna and Duckletts.

This tree, beside the left of the path near the lake, when scanned will reveal a point of interest, which the player can examine to open the secret path. When doing so, players will be shown another cutscene, this time one with beautiful new animation that will unveil how the NEO-One shrinks down to its new yet temporary form.

About The Secret Path In Florio Nature Park

When first being led here by Phil, players will get to see some huge-looking Pokemon, which is a pretty interesting perspective for those who usually only see these natural wonders from the eyes of a normal human trainer. This new route during the day is very neat and reveals some different Pokemon behavior, however, the route at night is also equally interesting, so be sure to explore the secret path after the sun goes down as well.

During the day, photographers can potentially find an excellent four-star photo of Snorlax by taking the alternate route near the beginning of Florio Nature Park. Players will find the large Pokemon sleeping here and can toss a Fluffruit into its gaping mouth to make them show up later on in the course. When one reaches the area near the end with all of the flowers, players who fed the sleeping Snorlax will find the Normal-type Pokemon strolling among the vibrant plants. Tossing an Illumina Orb at Snorlax will cause them to walk up to the NEO-One for a great photographic opportunity, which will also complete a request for professor Mirror.

At night, by taking the default route of the secret path, players can come across a sleeping Pidgeot on the left side of the path; across from some Torterra towards the end of the course. The avian Pokemon will be resting peacefully in their nest, which can result in a high-point photograph if timed properly. However, Pidgeot won't stay asleep for long, as they will be awoken abruptly by some mischievous Murkrow nearby. With that said, the shot of Pidgeot being startled is also a photo worth taking, if for nothing else but comedic value.

MORE: New Pokemon Snap: Every Pokemon In Mightywide River (Night) & Where To Find Them