Players will gain access to the Mightywide River (Night) course after reaching research level 2 in the daytime version of the course. Sadly, as is often the case with night courses in New Pokemon Snap, a lot of the Pokemon found here are ones that players will have already seen earlier on, but that's not to say that there aren't still some great photo opportunities for players to stumble upon.

RELATED: New Pokemon Snap: Every Request In Mightywide River (Night) & How To Complete Them

Unlike the daytime version of the course, there are only two research levels available this time around, making it considerably easier to see every Pokemon that calls the river their home. There are a few more requests, however, meaning that those hoping to complete everything that the course has to offer are still going to have to sink quite a bit of time into it.

Every Pokemon In River (Night)

A complete map of the Mightywide River (Night) course in New Pokemon Snap

Research Level 1

  • Vivillon - Players will see a jungle pattern Vivillon right at the beginning of the course. After reaching research level 2, they'll be able to find a bunch of river pattern Vivillon in the Moonlit Cave by scanning near the Feraligatr on the left between the first two sets of rapids. If they illuminate both Crystabloom in the cave, a monsoon pattern Vivillon will flutter down from above. It's also possible to get a river pattern Vivillon to show up near the final set of rapids by scaring away the two sets of Beautifly that are clinging onto the vines with scans. By illuminating the two Ledian hiding behind the vines just before the entrance to the Moonlit Cave, players can get one of each type to appear in the area above the waterfall; but only at research level 2.
  • Morelull - There are Morelull all over the starting area and some more next to some sleeping Tropius just before the second set of rapids. Upon reaching research level 2, players will be able to find even more of them in the Moonlit Cave.
  • Tropius - There's a Tropius to the player's left not long after they enter the course. Later on, they'll find more of them before the second set of rapids, and hitting the nearby Morelull with Illumina Orbs and then using the Melody Player will cause them to show up on the island near the exit. Even if players don't do this, however, there'll be some sleeping in the area to the left of the exit.
  • Wooper - There's a Wooper near the very beginning of the course and another not long after near a Quagsire and some Ariados. If Quagsire is sleeping near the waterfall, there'll be two Wooper hidden behind it. Players will then see one final Wooper as they approach the final set of rapids.
  • Quagsire - Quagsire shows up a few times on the banks of the river, usually on the outside of bends. There's one hidden beneath the water just after the entrance to the cave too. If players want to make Quagsire show up in the cave, they'll need to be playing at research level 2 and should illuminate the two Tropius near the start of the course. This will lead to them knocking Quagsire and Wooper into the water down by the waterfall, at which point players should use the Melody Player. If done correctly, they'll be able to find the pair in the moonlit cave by scanning, although they'll need to hit the spot they're in with Illumina Orbs to make them surface before snapping a picture.
  • Aipom - Players will be able to snap an Aipom by looking up and to their left shortly before the first patch of rapids. Upon reaching research level 2, they'll also encounter them near the start of the course, and interacting with them here will cause one to show up at the end as well.
  • Toucannon - Some Toucannon fly overhead near the start of the course and continue to do so throughout the course.
  • Feraligatr - There's a Feraligatr swimming in the water after passing the first few banks of land and another one on the cliffs high above. At higher research levels, hitting the latter with Fluffruit will cause it to dive into the water, waking up a nearby Ursaring. Players can then find Feraligatr near the waterfall and again to their left opposite the entrance to the Moonlit Cave. One final Feraligatr can be seen to the player's right as they approach the end of the course.
  • Beautifly - There are Beautifly in the opening area of the course, but they show up in a few more spots between the first two sets of rapids as well.
  • Psyduck - Psyduck first shows up in the same area that players first saw it in the daytime variant of the course and then makes another appearance on the player's right shortly after passing the waterfall. Most of the spots are easy enough to find, but there are a couple of tricky ones at research level 1, both of which involve hitting a Wooper swimming around near the waterfall. This will cause it to befriend Psyduck and the two can then be found together by the final set of rapids or in the Moonlit Cave. Players will have to illuminate the Crystablooms to make them show up though.
  • Ariados - Players will be able to find some Ariados in the area where they saw Psyduck crying earlier on in the day. At research level 2, they'll also start showing up near the beginning of the course.
  • Ledian - There are some Ledian hidden behind an overhanging tree branch just before players reach the first set of rapids and a few more fluttering around near the waterfall. There are also two hidden behind some vines on a wall just before the entrance to the Moonlit Cave and one inside the cave that will fly towards the NEO-ONE. More will show up when players are approaching the course's exit, but how many will depend on which ones players interacted with during their run.
  • Swampert - There's a Swampert on the default route just after the entrance to the Moonlit Cave. At research level 2, players will find more of them sleeping if they pass through the cave as well as one near the course's exit.

Research Level 2

  • Drilbur - From research level 2 onwards, players will start seeing Drilbur to their right near the start of the course. There's one hidden in some bushes in the area with the Ariados not long after, although it will need to be tempted out with some Fluffuit. There are more of them in the Moonlit Cave and some to the player's left as behind an Ursaring as they pass through the final set of rapids. Using the Melody Player near these ones will cause them to tunnel underground and then show up again near the course's exit. There's one final Drilbur near the sleeping Quagsire by the waterfall. To make it appear, players will need to hit the Quagsire with a Fluffruit so that the two Wooper come out and then hit those with an Illumina Orb once they stop moving. After they start walking to the left, performing a scan will make a Drulbur leap out of the ground.
  • Ursaring - An Ursarung can be found sleeping on the left bank of the river not long after the start of the course. If players make the Feraligatr dive in or throw Illumina Orbs at the two Aipom, it will wake up and get angry. There's another Ursarung at the top of the valley to the left of the waterfall. It will run down to the riverbank if players summon the three Vivillon, although it's possible to snap a photo of it from its starting position. There's then one last Ursaring fishing for Magikarp just before the final set of rapids.
  • Magikarp - There are some Magikarp in the water near the beginning of the course, although they'll only jump out if players throw Fluffruit. There are also some sleeping Magikarp to the right of the waterfall and more in the water beneath it. By using Scan and Fluffruit, players can make another one jump out of the water near the Ursaring that's hanging out near the rapids at the end of the course. Players can get another to show up near the exit by throwing Fluffruit into the water.
  • Gyarados - If players wake up the two Magikarp near the waterfall after getting Ferraligatr to dive and then illuminate the Crystabloom behind the waterfall, all of the Magikarp will start to splash around. A few moments later, a Gyarados will emerge from the water and climb up the waterfall to the cliffs high above. Not long after, the Magikarp will follow it.
  • Cleffa - There are some Cleffa in the Moonlit Cave, which can be reached by scanning the area opposite the Feraligatr just past the waterfall while playing at research level 2. After that, players will also be able to see a Cleffa following some Wooper to their left at the start of the course.

NEXT: New Pokemon Snap Complete Guide For Tips, Tricks & Pokemon Locations