To celebrate N7 Day, Mass Effect developer BioWare releases new footage of the upcoming game to tease fans. Indeed, since BioWare confirmed it was working on Mass Effect 4 (or whatever it is actually titled), it has released a handful of teases suggesting that Mass Effect 3's destroy ending was canon, that the Geth are gone, and so on. This teaser is no less packed with information, though it is perhaps the most obscure teaser so far.

This isn't the first time BioWare has teased the new game on N7 day either, and at this point, it's hopefully a yearly tradition until release. As many fans know, N7 day is celebrated as Mass Effect day on November 7 because N7 is the highest level of proficiency for alliance military special forces. There's even N7 armor in Mass Effect.

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Mass Effect fans are already picking apart the footage shown below, which squarely focuses on some deep space construction project. What seems to be happening is that the Milky Way (or some section of it) is rebuilding the Mass Relays destroyed in Mass Effect 3, while some speculate that this is a "Super Mass Relay" to connect the Milky Way Galaxy to Andromeda. BioWare has teased that both the Andromeda and Milky Way Galaxies will be important in the new Mass Effect game, so this makes sense.

However, there are some potential teases located in this footage that are head-scratchers. Many were quick to note that this Mass Relay reconstruction project is done up in Mass Effect's Cerberus colors, with Cerberus serving as a pro-human paramilitary group fans work with and face in the franchise. If a pro-human organization is leading the charge here, then that may not be a good thing. Beyond that, located in the small text at the bottom, it clearly references the SA, or the Systems Alliance, which represents humanity in Citadel Space. Cerberus working with the SA may not be a good thing, but there's a lot to be interpreted here. For example, while this may be a Mass Relay, it features a ship captain seemingly named Sub-Navarch Soa'rhal Zhillian-Jones.

This may be for the monitoring station of the Mass Relay, but the captain's name is notable either way as it seems to follow conventions for Quarian names in Mass Effect. However, this poses the question of why a Quarian is monitoring a human-led space project and why do they have a hyphenated last name that may come from a human (Jones). It could be that they are cooperating, or it could be the dynamic is largely different in a post-Reaper Milky Way galaxy. It's interesting nonetheless, and it will not doubt leave fans champing at the bit for more.

A new Mass Effect game is in development.

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