While Dragon Quest has been a household name in Japan since the 80s, the series didn't have quite the same level of appeal outside of the country until recently. The latest entry, Dragon Quest 11, made huge strides in this aspect, with very positive reviews worldwide. Now, Square Enix is ready for the next chapter in the long-running franchise, and has officially begun the hiring process for a new game.

The Square Enix recruitment page lays out exactly what the development team is looking for, ranging from designers to artists. The page even includes a message from director Takeshi Uchikawa, which has been translated by Gematsu.

Uchikawa states that the next game will be produced by the Dragon Quest 11 team, and that the mission of the project is to deliver something with mass appeal worldwide. For this, they need new "party members" who share the same goals.

The planning stages of development have wrapped up, and we are now entering the phase of further improving the game quality.

As a new high-definition  Dragon Quest  title, why not try to create a new  Dragon Quest  history that moves players like never before with Yuji Horii and the development team?

We await the applications of developers who love trying new things!

It is not stated in the recruitment page, but this project could very well be the next numbered entry in the series, since Dragon Quest 12 was confirmed to be in preparations for development about a month back during the announcement of Dragon Quest Walk. Because it appears to be very early in development yet, it may be a while until this is either confirmed or denied officially.

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As mentioned earlier, Dragon Quest 11 reached gamers the world over in the way not many entries in the series had before. It was enough for Nintendo to want a piece of that action, and the company has plans to release a Definitive Edition of the game in September on the Switch. Additionally, it was revealed at E3 2019 that a Dragon Quest hero DLC fighter will be making its way into Super Smash Bros. Ultimate in the future.

Source: Square Enix (via Gematsu)