UPDATE: Nintendo of America has announced that the new Chibi-Robo for 3DS will be titled Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash! and arrive at some point in October in North America. The amiibo, on the other hand, will come exclusively in a bundle featuring the game – which should make it more limited than existing figures.

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Hot on the heels of the release of its first major new IP in quite some time, Splatoon, Nintendo has hosted yet another Direct presentation. This Japan-only showcase was filled with updates on release dates for upcoming games, but it also had a handful of new reveals as well.

One game that was announced was none other than a brand new entry in the Chibi-Robo series, with a title that roughly translates to Lasso Action Guru-Guru Chibi Robo.

Setting aside the adorable robot's past ventures in scrubbing floors, this new title throws players into a platforming, side-scroller. The main draw in this romp, however, is the way that Chibi Robo uses his electric cord. As the name of the game implies, the infamous plug that the cutesy protagonist is always carrying around will be used much more aggressively this time around.

Smashing up baddies, destroying obstacles, and traversing the environment are all possible thanks to Chibi-Robo's newfound whip prowess, and it's the main draw of the newly announced title. While the switch up to 2D platforming is understandably a major focal point for the new game, Nintendo has also ensured that the title will get some additional attention by revealing that Lasso Action Guru-Guru Chibi-Robo will have amiibo support.

While a list of compatible toys has yet to be released, Nintendo did unveil a brand new Chibi-Robo amiibo that will interact with the game. This adorable collectible will allow users to level it up as they progress through the title's campaign, but more importantly its existence alone is sure to have many longtime fans of the series up in arms over the potential of finally owning Chibi-Robo paraphernalia.

Given the popularity of amiibo, it was never a question of if the Big N was going to be making more, but its keenness on creating them for lesser known franchises could be a promising move for anyone hoping to get figurines of more obscure characters. Chibi is a good first step in that regard, and it could result in even more of Nintendo's shafted protagonists scoring their very own toys in the future.

Currently there's no date set for the new Chibi-Robo game in North America, or word on a hopeful localization for that matter, but there's no doubt that Ninty will want to capitalize on the power that a dedicated amiibo brings with it. With that in mind, stay tuned to Game ZXC for more information on the new game.

What do you think about the new Chibi-Robo game? Do you plan on ordering the new amiibo?