
  • Capcom fans are eagerly awaiting new games from the company.
  • A fan survey reveals high demand for Ace Attorney, Dino Crisis, Mega Man, and Resident Evil sequels or remakes.
  • It will be exciting to see what Capcom does with these results.

Capcom has been hosting a fan survey through Capcom Town that has revealed some of the franchises that fans of the company want to see the most. Capcom has a storied history of releasing high-quality games across a variety of franchises. Capcom constantly has something new and exciting coming out, with the company having just recently launched the critically-acclaimed action-RPG Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 has earned rave reviews from critics, though the game has earned some criticism for its use of microtransactions and head-scratching restrictions, like limiting players to a single save slot. Now that Dragon's Dogma 2 is out, fans are looking forward to the next games from the company, like Monster Hunter Wilds and Pragmata.

Dragon's Dogma 2 DLC Teased in New Capcom Survey

A Capcom survey on Dragon's Dogma 2 shows a question that may potentially be hinting at a DLC down the road for the action-RPG.

To gauge interest in what its fans want, Capcom has been conducting a "Super Election" survey through Capcom Town, with over 200,000 votes recorded so far. Capcom recently shared a list of some of the most-used words left in the comment section of the survey, revealing some of the games and franchises fans want to see the most. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the most popular games mentioned in the survey are Dino Crisis, Ace Attorney, Mega Man, and Resident Evil.

Top Capcom Games Mentioned in the Survey

capcom survey results
  • Ace Attorney
  • Dino Crisis
  • Mega Man
  • Resident Evil

Clearly, fans are anxious to see a Dino Crisis remake, and it seems many Capcom fans are hungry for more Ace Attorney, Mega Man, and Resident Evil as well. It remains to be seen what's next for Ace Attorney or Mega Man, but rumor has it that Resident Evil 9 is in development and that Capcom may have yet another RE remake up its sleeve in the relatively near future. The running theory is that Resident Evil 5 will get a remake next, so fans should stay tuned for more information on that front.

Other commonly used words in the survey that didn't get quite as many mentions as the four previously mentioned games include Code Veronica, Okami, Outbreak, Onimusha, Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Dark Stalkers, Dead Rising, and Devil May Cry. The mentions of Code Veronica and Outbreak show that many Resident Evil fans still want to see a Code Veronica remake, as well as the return of the popular Outbreak spin-off series, which married classic RE gameplay with online co-op features. The original Outbreak games came out at a time when online gaming wasn't nearly as prevalent as it is now, so a remake or new entry in the series does make a great deal of sense.

Fans shouldn't hold their breath that any of the games mentioned here will get remakes or sequels, but this survey does show that Capcom is well aware of fan demand for things like the Code Veronica remake and the Dino Crisis remake. It will be interesting to see what projects Capcom pursues now that it's armed with this knowledge.